
With a bark she was human once more, sitting carelessly cross-legged on the grass. "You gonna dig our graves or something" she asked eyebrows raised as she watched the girl. ... Scratching could be heard from the other side of the gate

"no" she then proceded to dig a foot deep whole that was five feet long and three feet wide, she then put a tarp in it and went to her garage

"mind opening the gate? Either that or its gonna get ripped to shreds, seriously i have no control over that wolf sometimes" said Frost calmly, stretching back on the grass, fiddling with a stream of water she made flow above her

she dropped a hose in the pit and opened the gate

The crow flew closer to the cat and Alyssa said "Hey pretty kitty.". She looked up and saw frost, bliz and liko. for some strange reason she had a shovel. *Weird* she thought.

I swear, it really feel like that girl is planning my murder, shovels creep me out. Thought the girl as she caused a clear, water rabbit to bound through the air, frolicing. Pretty, she was quite proud of her 'sculptures'. As the gate opened she looked around excited, "Hey, girly" she cooed as the wolf ran at her, tail wagging furiously. "Sorry for leaving you girl" she apologized gently, hugging the furry creature tightly.

She turned her head so she could keep an eye on both the people over there, and the cat.

liko sighed, turning on the hose and filling the hole, before letting the corgi out. the corgi ran out, jumping into the water

She saw the pond and flew over to Frost and landed on her shoulder.

Bliz watched the Corgi, curiously, as if tempted to join in but unsure whether or not she should. ... Frost glances from the corgi to Liko to Bliz to Alyssa, not sure whether or not she should encourage or discourage the wolf. ... "So, why'd you steal?" She prompted the other girl, "You don't look like you need any extra meals" she stated, glancing around at the street and building. Frost spared a glance at Alyssa, trying to say that she wouldn't start a fight, but if she had to she would end one... Edited at February 2, 2022 02:52 PM by Lupus Pack