Morpheus looked back at Tori before turning around and walking to her side. "Are you alright? Would you like to lay down for a bit?" He asked. ((2 more days till we can breed them, Then 4 days till she has her pup(s). So excited.))
Tori nodded, laying where she was.
Morpheus laid down next to her and licked her cheeck. "Just a few more days." He said trying to make her feel better.
Tori nodded, breathing heavily.
Morpheus looked at her worridly. He was scared that she was going to get really hurt. He looked around at his pack. They were all soexcited scince the other pups had been killed by Diablo.
Tori groaned as Hanata walked by and kicked her stomach hard, and chuckled about it.
Morpheus gotup and growled at Hanata with his hackles raised. "Hanata. There will be no more of that. You agreed to wait til Tori has had her pups. That means no foul play." He growled. "If you really want a fight then I'll give you one." He started to aproach her.
Hanata growled, approaching him as well.
Morpheus started to circle her. He studied her to see how she would fight before he even dared to make a move.
Hanata growled louder, her strength was all back, so she was ready to fight.