
Edited at July 26, 2022 03:14 PM by Luck

Would anybody like to have their dog be linked to Fawn or Linnaeus in some way? They're open to crushes/relationships, friendships, or enemies even. Edited at July 27, 2022 10:25 PM by Luck

Thinking about what Linnaeus's job should be. I realized after I made them that I had a great opportunity to have an actor dog character, I don't know how that wasn't my first thought as the last live musical I was in had a dog actor, lol. But now that Linnaeus is made and has eyesight/hearing issues, it's probably not the best idea. Maybe I could work something out where they only perform on low-light sets, I'll think on it. Edited at July 27, 2022 10:31 PM by Luck

Hopefully you can work something out for them. ^^ Dawn and Kliff are open to relationships of any kind! Even neighbors to them are open! Edited at July 27, 2022 11:17 PM by River-Luna

I didn't realize there was a discussion already open. Hello! ^^
Benito is open for whatever. He's pretty open and will go up to any dog he sees so he'd probably know other farm dogs, at least by sight. I'd like him to have an unrequited puppy-love crush on someone but can't decide who... Edited at July 28, 2022 05:16 PM by Finnick

Does anyone want to discuss relationships between characters? I can start with Fawn and Linneus. Although I don't know about Linneus because his personality isn't listed yet. I think Beni would like Fawn on principle because he's a smaller dog, and he's quiet and perhaps too polite to tell him to shove off. But Fawn may not like him back - Beni may come on a bit too strong for him lol. He may rock the boat a little too much for many of the War Dogs' liking, at first anyway.

Shane's open to affiliations

Hey! Im going to change Zillas age because shes the youngest one and i feel like shes way to young for me to rp what i wanted her experience to be, also with that being said, shed like to have a crush on Shane. Okay with everyone..? Shell be 3 1/2

Sure! I'd be open for that.

I think I should change Linnie and Fawn's ages too, I've never been too keen on dog age equivalents to humans, so I think I'll make Fawn 2 and Linnaeus 2 and a half.