
Here it is! I'll update this first post with certain things but otherwise we can just pin important posts or something. Also I'm on my phone so the formatting is gonna be weird til I'm on my laptop.

For Playable Character I Have: The Prince The Herd Made The Prince's Betrothed | | I think it might be good to add another character in so it's 2 & 2. | I like the idea of maybe there are two different herds on the mythical island, the unicorns and the Pegasus. Perhaps the first born of each takes over their own herd and the second born is betrothed to the other two continue peace between them? So the Pegasus Prince is betrothed to a Unicorn Princess.

I like what you have so far! Perhaps the last character could be a stallion from the herd mares herd. Maybe even the lead? And I agree with the separate herds and the idea of betrothed unicorn and pegasus Edited at June 15, 2022 09:41 AM by Ciao

Who I like that idea. Maybe not necessarily the Lead, but maybe the Lieutenant. It could be a similar type situation almost. Where she was supposed to become Lead Mare with the Lieutenant when the Lead Stallion and his Lead Mare Stepped down, so her bringing in the Pegasus would throw a wrench in things. This way there is the fun dynamic of not only the Lead Stallion being an issue but the Lieutenant as well?
So Main Characters Would be: - Herd Mare - Pegasus Prince - Unicorn Princess - Lieutenant
With Secondary Being [More Present than Normal NPCs]: - Pegasus King & Queen - Lead Stallion & Lead Mare Unicorn King & Queen (Maybe)
Then the Rest are All NPCs who Make Briefer Appearances and such but are still important, like her and his own friends, etc.

I like the idea of the remaining one being the Lieutenant, it would definitely cause some drama if he was supposed to become the lead with the herd mare. So then would the pegasus try to stay with the herd? Do you have a preference for the characters you would want to play? I could see us each doing 1 mythical and 1 normal horse. I like the secondary and NPC lists too.

I'm not picky about which ones I get honestly. I have Ideas for both the Pegasus Prince and the Herd Mare. So if you have a preference feel free to pick?
I feel like he would have to stay at least until he is healed, perhaps he received damage to his wings and has to wait for them to heal/feathers to regrow before he can fly. But after that I think that would be a decision he's torn about. I feel like if there was a way, even a slim chance, the mare could be turned into either a unicorn or a pegasus, he'd want to take her with him.
Also I was thinking the Unicorns have the ability to open portals if we ever want to work around her being able to reach the island with him XD

I can do the unicorn and Lieutenant, and sounds good! Honestly im open to anything, so the mare getting wings or the unicorn having portals could work. I'll add my character sheets to the thread once I'm off mobile :)

Are you sure we want to do it that way, because then I'll be Rping both of the Love Birds?

Ciao said: I can do the unicorn and Lieutenant, and sounds good! Honestly im open to anything, so the mare getting wings or the unicorn having portals could work. I'll add my character sheets to the thread once I'm off mobile :)
If we need to we can always change one of the Second Mains to something else. Like Maybe another Herd Mare trying to get in with the Pegasus or a Unicorn or Pegasus Stallion trying to get in with the Herd Mare.
If we leave it as is, which is fine by me, it might mean someone Rping either the same gender or the same species [or both mythicals or both normies].

Wait that's true, would you rather play female or male then? If that's the case I think our options would be one of us playing unicorn&herd mare and the other doing pegasus&lieutenant. I think leaving the roles we have now would be fine Imperial Sands said: Are you sure we want to do it that way, because then I'll be Rping both of the Love Birds?