
Discussion Thread Here Chat and all the good stuff. Feel free to hop in for now, say hi, and throw out any ideas at all! Stats 13 people invited. 11 said yes. 1 maybe. 1 decline. Edited at June 17, 2022 09:08 PM by Red Moon

Hey everyone and welcome! All I am hoping for are a couple things: canines and drama! I can see a couple of options so far.. Maybe two warring packs who are forced to become allies or form one pack in order to survive? Maybe some kind of natural disaster completely demolishes their territories? Or just a single pack who is being threatened by hunters? Or we can even do dogs, like strays and pet type of thing. Just let me know what strikes all of your guys' interest. Love to hear ideas. Edited at June 9, 2022 06:32 PM by Red Moon

Red Moon said: All I am hoping for are a couple things: canines and drama!
The best things in an RP XD

Agreed! the Wayne pack said: Red Moon said: All I am hoping for are a couple things: canines and drama!
The best things in an RP XD
A dog RP would definitely be interesting, I made one in the past and had a ton of fun with it, and I haven't seen one in a while. But I'm down for whatever canine we decide on^

One canine roleplay I had was domesticated canines and wolves forming a pack, because there wasn't a lot of wolves and the dogs needed a way to survive in the wild for various reasons. And many wolves think they are better than dogs and different drama that you can think of

I loved the Canine Chronicles! I had two canine roleplays, one had zero success and was just supposed to follow the lives of wolves in the arctic. It was also completely realistic. The other did really well and got to the actually RP thread. There were about 32 characters, but it was "less literate" to semi-lit rp. It was sort of a wolf vs dog deal in a setting where humans had left and cities were overgrown. Prey was running short in both territories and both the wolves and dogs were supposed to work together and help both sides. But the alphas of each pack had some sort of beef. I made it back in 2020. [ and it was post apocalyptic ] Edited at June 9, 2022 07:28 PM by Ciao

Hello, Hello
From what I've experienced, Post-Apocalptic Canine Rps are popular and seem to do well. Plus it leaves a lot of opportunity in terms of setting depending on what type apocalypse you do.
I think a Dog Rp in general would be more my speed right now, I think if a wolf rp were to be decided on the plot would have to be full of different subplots and drama. I love dynamics within a plot for my individual characters. But that goes for most of my Rps.

Also what I think might be helpful for drama and stuff is to try to make sure we don't have characters that are too similar.

I'm a little late to the party. I personally haven't been in many successful Canine - Related RPs, the ones I have been were the normal chaotic, unorganized Wolf Packs. I have been in one Dog RP, a group of dogs were called to a training camp to be trained to help the war with the humans. I prefer more Dystopian - Like Themes.. :,)

Great group of folks I see : )
Are we thinking completely realistic or some fantastical elements?
I will say I like the concept of two warring packs coming together. I feel like some sort of concept where two separate sides come together to hash out differences to survive and defend themselves against a threat opens doors for plots and drama. Maybe...?
Edited at June 9, 2022 09:25 PM by Lucid Insanity