
(This is a Roleplay that utilizes both forum and den mail interactions, with randomized roles and characters that will die!) Divider credit goes to Moonshadow on TH <3  You’re Invited! Greetings! You have been drawn, along with eleven other lucky winners, to attend the Masquerade Ball! Join us for a delightful evening of drinks, dance, and discovery.
Formal Attire. Mask Required for Entrance.
8PM at Marion Manor  Table of Contents: Pg 1 - You’re Here! Pg 2 - Info on Roles Pg 3 - Rules & Sign-Ups Pg 4 - Links & Advertisement Pg 5 - Character List Edited at April 5, 2022 06:06 PM by Ellyllon

-Roles- Everyone will be assigned a unique role via PM on the first night. Abilities cannot be used until the second day/night. Please do not go around DMing everyone or announcing what your role is in the discussion as that defeats the entire purpose. You may have conversations in the roleplay discussing your roles if you wish, but be aware that characters are capable of LYING. Some of you will have multiple roles while others will not. The second is a modifier and will either boost or hinder your character during the roleplay. Roles are 100% randomized. If you get something you don’t like, you may respin ONCE, resetting both your dominant and modifier roles. You can’t go back to your previous set if you do, so be certain in your decision. Roles are split into four teams. For characters to exit the manor alive, their team must meet its victory requirements. All living characters who meet the requirements will walk out the front door at the end of the roleplay. All four categories start off with three characters in each. There are four possible roles that are available to each category. Meaning there are eighteen roles split between twelve characters. There are also seven modifiers that can affect eight characters in total. Abilities will affect whomever you choose, even if they’re on your team. A character’s role (might) be publicly revealed after they die. I'll leave that up for you all to decide later.

-The Teams- Good - Your goal is to remove all Evil and Selfish roles from the mansion. Evil - Your goal is to eliminate all Good and Selfish roles from the mansion. Neutral - Your goal is simply to make it to the end. You can win no matter which team survives, so long as your character is still alive. Selfish - Your goal is to be the only man left standing. Neutrals excluded, everyone else must die, including other Selfish roles. Edited at April 5, 2022 09:42 AM by Ellyllon

-Rules- -Only one character per person! Reservations last 24 hours. -No images! I don't want someone posting uncredited/non-stock pictures and getting the whole forum locked. -This is a Semi-Lit to Lit Roleplay. 5 full sentences, with decent grammar, are required in each post. -Two posts weekly is the minimum, unless otherwise excused. If you need help deciding what to write, I’m willing to assist. -Everyone should get a turn to post! If I notice a handful of characters hogging the spotlight or someone not participating at all, I will create a posting order. -This roleplay utilizes both a Forum and Den Messages to keep player roles secretive. This has been further explained in the disscussion thread. -Swearing is fine but don't go overboard with it! -Any and all relationships are allowed as long as those involved in it agree. -Questions/comments belong in the discussion forum, not my DMs and not the RP thread. I’m subscribed to both and I’m active every day so I will be available to help you. -Don't get salty if your character gets injured or dies, you knew this could happen! -Similarly, don’t complain about your roles. It’s completely random and if you really hate it you get one chance to change. -No Metagaming! This includes PMing players to have secret conversations. Just roleplay an interaction happening if you want to share something with someone. If a character somehow gains knowledge they shouldn’t have, I will know and they will be kicked. -This role play has a definite end! Do not complain when I put this ending into motion! -And finally: I reserve the right to turn away sheets or characters that don’t fit my criteria. This also applies if the sheet you’ve given me doesn’t convince me that you can uphold the literacy requirement. -Sign Up Sheet- Name: (First & Last) Age: (18+) Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: (5+ Sentences) Personality: (5+ Sentences) I Understand That Characters Will Die & I Will Not Complain if Mine is the First: (Sign Here) Other:
^This is the minimum requirement for sheets. Anything else you'd like to add onto it is welcome^ Edited at April 7, 2022 10:48 PM by Ellyllon

-Links- Sign-Ups: You're Here Discussion: Here Roleplay: Here Ad: When you accepted that party invite, you did not expect your night to end like this! Who is the maniac over the intercom and why have they trapped you here? One of you is a murderer, as evidenced by the body left on the stairs, but whose to say the others are any better? With a dozen players locked inside, who will die and who will walk out these doors alive? https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=80232#pedhead Edited at April 7, 2022 11:57 PM by Ellyllon

-Character List- 1. Erza Jacobs || M || 22 || Bi || Pg 2 || M I S E R Y 2. Eris Narkissa || F || 23 || Ace-Demi || Pg 1 || Reverie 3. Hazel Jones || F || 21 || Hetero || Pg 3 || Firefox 4. Raelyn Bear || F || 22 || Bi || Pg 5 || Mushroom Grace 5. Stephen Tyrrel Long || M || 41 || Pan|| Pg 6 || Royal Pack 6. Clayton Shaw || M || 26 || Hetero || Pg 5 || Carnage 7. Lily Thorne || F || 19 || Herero || Pg 3 || Draconic Moon 8. Ava West || F || 22 || Hetero || Pg 5 || Midnight Wolves 9. Willow Speed || F || 21 || Poly-Bi || Pg 4 || Niki Afton 10. Lynx Carre || F / Demi G? || Pan || Pg 4 || Interstellar Sun 11. Aaron Cardinal || M || 24 || Hetero || Pg 4 || Argos 12. Domenic C. Hernandez || M || 21 || Unlabeled || Pg 5 || aorta 0/12 Slots Available Edited at April 15, 2022 09:32 AM by Ellyllon

reserve a spot? beautiful rp!

M I S E R Y said: reserve a spot? beautiful rp!
Certainly! Thank you ^^

Definitely gonna throw my hand in this! *Accidently made another post so I'll just put the sign uo there I suppose ;-; Edited at April 5, 2022 01:22 AM by Reverie

Reverie said: Definitely gonna throw my hand in this! I'll put my sign up here <3
I'll mark you down for a reservation then :3

ERIS NARKISSA " Eris " , " Kissa " Age: 23 Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic Appearance: Eris stands at around 5'4 with deep brown hair and hazel eyes. Her skin is a soft but warm brown coloration, inherited from her Greek and Hispanic ancestry. Her nose is small and sharp, her face is heart shaped. Her lips are a prominent red tint and are plump but small. Her hair is fluffy and framed her face, tapering off at the base of her neck. Her eyes are sharp and large, greens and browns mingling to create the hazel of her eyes. She wears silver studs for earrings and dresses very street casual. Lots of denim, monochrome colors, beanies. Her nails rounded are constantly painted either black or white. Occassionally they'll be shown off with french tips. Personality: Eris, depsite her name, is quite mellow. She is a very curious individual and always has a thirst for knowledge. It's as though her brain is a civilization suffering from a drought. She's amazingly creative as well. She adores all things art and more. She is a bit of a foodie, and has an appreciation for cooking. With her creative kind does come downsides such as being easily distracted or over-thinking. She does get a bit nervous every one and a while. While other may bounce their leg or bite their nails, she mutters to herself. The phrase may vary depending on the day and the situation, but it seems to help her focus. I Understand That Characters Will Die & I Will Not Complain if Mine is the First: Reverie Other: None Edited at April 5, 2022 01:33 AM by Reverie