
Plot~ You are now standing infront of the Pelican's horse riding camp. It has been a long ride and its time for you to get settled in. Now there are a couple of reasons you couldve been sent here, either you wanted to go so you begged your parents to let you come and the finally, your parents made you or its an extra credit thing and if you didnt do it you would flunk animal sience class, and that wouldnt make your parents very happy. But whatever the reason, all that matters now it your here! ~~~ Links~ Edited at April 2, 2022 12:20 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Rules Hate the character not the player No OP character You can have as many characters as you can keep track of! give my co-host, Nikki Afton respect as you would me! WIP ~~~ ~Ranks and Characters~ ~Humans~ Cabin A2(boys) Austin West|14|TheMidnightWolves Henry|14|Nikki Afton Dominic|14|Me! Dickon|14|Royal Pack Luke|16|TheMidnightWolves - Cabin A1(girls) Nora|15|Me! Shara|15|Nikki Afton Ellie Wolf|14|Cinder Savannah West|15|TheMidnightWolves Carissa|13|Me! reserved for Royal ~Staff~ Gymnastic horseback rider teacher~N/A Dresage teacher~Loki|20|Nikki Afton Jumping teacher~Autumn|30|Me!
Trail Ride instructor~Theo|39|Royal Pack Riding teacher~Cindy|48|Me! Barrel Racing teacher~Jack|25|Cinder BareBack Riding teacher~Maddy|47|Me! (the ones in the cabins)Helpers~ ~ ~~~ ~School Horses~ Mary|20|Riding Horse|Me! Nala|4|jumping|Nikki Afton Celestial|9|Gymnastic Horse|Nikki Afton Melina|7|jumping/dressage|Cinder Cherokee|7|Riding Horse|TheMidnightWolves Storm|5|Jumping|Nikki Afton Kathy|16|All rounder|Me! Madge|3|Barrel racing|Me! Smokey|5|Jumper|Cinder Jump|2|BareBack and Trail rider|Royal Pack Night|5|Trail ride and jumping|TheMidnightWolves - ~~~~ ~In training horses~ ...|3|All rounder| Blood Phoenix ...|3|All rounder|Blood Phoenix Starlight|2 1/2|...|Blood Phoenix - - Edited at April 3, 2022 11:06 AM by TheHappyHowlers

~Sign up Sheets~ ~Riders~ Name Age(13-17) Gender Horse(the one you will be riding) Teachers(2-3) Apperance Personality Acquaintances Family Other ~Teachers~ Name Age(18-50) Gender Role Apperance Personality Acquaintances Family Other ~Horses~ Name Age(4-22) gender Person(the person that will be riding them) Breed discipline Apperance Personality Acquaintances Family Other Edited at March 30, 2022 05:08 PM by TheHappyHowlers

~Horses~ Name: Nala Age(4-22) 4 gender Female Person(the person that will be riding them) Nora Breed: Appaloosa discipline: Jumping Appearance: Nala is a Appaloosa and she stands at 15hh(60 inches). She weighs 1,070 pounds and has a white base coat. She has brown spots that are more spread out than usual. She has forest green eyes and a black tail. Her mane is also black and she is a bit unusual for the appaloosa breed. Personality: Nala is very sweet but does have a temper. She does like to make sure her rider is still on. She doesn't like it when strangers try to pet her and will kick. She is very loyal to her rider and will take up aggression if her rider is threatened. She doesn't want anyone to ride her accept the person she thinks won't hurt her. She is very loyal to the person she chooses and will defend them. Acquaintances: Best Friend~ Mother figure~ Family: Open! Other: Her mom died when she was very young and she has a bit of a tragic back story with her last rider which is why she isn't very trusting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Riders~ Name: Shara Age(13-17) 15 Gender Female Horse(the one you will be riding) Madeleine (maddy) Teachers(2-3) Gymnastic horseback rider teacher~ Jumping teacher~ Appearance: Shara is 5'1" and weighs around 120 pounds. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. She has some sliver in her hair that usually about 2 inches in width. She has a few freckles on her cheeks and a mixed skin tone. Shara has an oval shape to her face and wears eye shadow the color of midnight. Personality: She is kind and caring to her friends. People she doesn't know she give a cold shoulder to and doesn't talk to them unless necessary. She doesn't like rude people and cares deeply for her horse even though her mom said don't get to attached. Shara has a social personality towards her friends and an antisocial one towards strangers. She doesn't get to attached to people but makes an acceptation for friends and family. Acquaintances Best friend~Nora Family Younger Brother~Open! Older Sister~Open! Other ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Celestial Age(4-22) 9 gender Female Person(the person that will be riding them): Open! Breed: discipline: Horseback Gymnastics Appearance: Celestial is about 1,200 pounds and stands at 15hh(60 inches). Her base coat is black and she has a white blaze like marking on her face. She has white legs and a tan mane plus tail. She has bright blue eyes and a few white spots on her back. That are centered around the middle of her back. Personality: Celestial is quite a fiery one and you will need to be able to keep her under control. She cares for others but is not headed. She does have a bit of a cute side but rarely shows it. She is mostly all attitude and sassy. Celestial has a bit of a social personality but isn't one to socialize. She cares for her rider even if she doesn't show it. Acquaintances: Best friend~ Family Mom~ Sister~ Other Edited at March 31, 2022 01:52 PM by Nikki Afton

Name Nora Age 15 Gender female Horse Nala Teachers Jumping teacher, TBD, Gymnastic teacher, TBD and Trail riding instructor, Cindy Apperance Nora is 5'8 with long brown hair. Both her eye brows are periced and she has dyed the tips of her hair blue. She has a long face, a large nose, small lips, and mysterious brown eyes. She has short arms, a thin torso with adolescent breasts with a narrow waist, bony hips, long legs, and small feet. She has pierced both eyebrows. Personality Nora is shy and dosent talk much but if you get her started on horses or animal youll never get her to stop. Acquaintances WIP best friend~Shara Family Nora's mom is Charlotte who is 38 and her dad is Alban who is 39. She gets along with her mom but dosent see her dad often. She has grandma, Bethany who is 62 and a grandpa, Liberio who is 69. She dosent really know her grandma and dosent like her grandpa. She has 4 aunts, Imani who is 37, Cecelia who is 44, Raziya who is 31 and Estella who is 32. She dosent see her aunts Imani or Estella very often and dosent like Raziya. Nora is often bullied by her other aunt, Cecelia. Other ~~~ Name Cynthia (Cindy) Age 48 Gender female Role Trail riding instructor Apperance Cindy is 5'2 and has elbow lentgh black curly hair. She has a narrow face, a small nose, and angled lips. Her alert brown eyes are bulging and she has no eyebrows. She has wide shoulders, muscular arms, a weak torso with modest breasts with a typical waist, plump hips, and short legs. She has pierced her tongue. Personality Cindy is Responsible and athletic. She dosent like being alone and loves to be incharge. She is senstive and gets hurt easily. Acquaintances WIP Family Her mom and dad died so she only has her brother, Plínio who is 45 and her sister, Mafalda who is 22. She dose not trust her brother and loves her sister. Other WIP ~~~ Name Mary Age 20 Gender female Person Theo Breed Tennessee Walking Horse discipline riding horse Apperance Mary is the BuckSkin color Personality Mary is focused and is cofident. She loves to get thing right and feels bad when she messes up. She loves to be with people/other horses. She is quiet and playful despite her age. She is trustworthy and always tells the truth. She loves to help others and cares about others. Acquaintances WIP Family Mary has a daughter, Nara who is 8 years old. Her daughter is very mean so she dosent talk to her much, besides that she was sold to someone eles. She also has a sister, Danica who is 19. Danica acctually sold too, as Dressage horse Edited at March 31, 2022 08:41 PM by TheHappyHowlers

~Teachers~ Name: Loki Age(18-50) 20 Gender: Male Role: Dressage teacher Apperance: Loki is 6'5" and weighs about 210 pounds. He has red hair and pale skin. He has blue eyes and wheres a black t-shirt. He usually wears ripped jeans and sometimes wears cowboy boots. He has a falcon tattoo on his arm that shows the falcon riding a horse. He also has a horse jumping over the moon on his right shoulder. Personality: He is kind and also understanding but does keep the rules in order. He doesn't care if you a teen or not he doesn't like messes and will have them clean it up. He doesn't normal put to much pressure on his students during riding unless needed. Loki is pretty chill and fun once you get to know him. Acquaintances: Students Family Most of his family lives in scottland which is his brith place. Other Edited at March 30, 2022 10:02 PM by Nikki Afton

Can I reserve a spot for a horse and one for a rider?


Can I reserve a horse place and a staff place? Also can my human character ride my horse character or what?

Royal pack~ You may reserve and it is up to you what your human character rides from your horse to somebody else horse if they agreed