
Dogs lived a happy life with their owners, being loyal and sticking to their side. Lived. Until everything went on a downwards spiral. Global warming took a turn for the worst, heating everything in its' path. So, some of the humans took their possesions and left, leaving their obedient companions to fend for themselves. The larger population of humans stayed to hopefully wait out in their homes but they soon died from lack of resources. Now, tamed dogs and loners alike are united to survive. Rumours began to float around about a safe haven for dogs but it's half way across the country. Their starting point? Florida.

RULES - No Mary Sues/Gary sues. No OP characters in general - Follow all of Eve's rules - Hate the character, not the player - As this is not a Lit, 100+ words per reply but I will accept 50+ if you have writer's block, just PM me or Icewing to tell us. - DO NOT attack someone's character without permission, always ask beforehand! - NO wolfdogs! They are often overpowered - As this is a semi-realistic rp, no dogs can have bright colours or powers! - There is a character limit of 5 for each user - Have fun! ------------- Alphas (2/2): Rosa|Female|Border Collie mix|3Yrs|Heterosexual - FancyPants Petra|Female|Belgian Malinois|6Yrs|Bi - Jelly Betas (1/2): Luna|Female|Australian Shepherd|4Yrs|Bi/Poly - Icewing - Reaper (1/1): Aurora|Female|German Shepherd|3Yrs|Bisexual - The Chaos Empire Delta (1/1): Darwin|Male|Beagle mutt|6.4Yrs|Pansexual - Pastry Lord Fighters (3/Unlimted): Atlas|Male|Dutch Shepherd|4Yrs|Bi - Thunder Struck Anora|Female|Siberian husky mix|3Yrs|Heterosexual - The Chaos Empire Hermes|Male|Cane Corso|4Yrs|Hetero - Nueva Hunters (3/Unlimited): Ryu|Male|Australian cattle dog|3.5Yrs|Bi - Icewing Orion|Male|Irish Wolfhound|4Yrs|Bi - Thunder Struck Brutus|Male|Doberman Pinscher|5Yrs|Pan - ThunderStruck - Healer (1/1): Toto|Female|Italian Greyhound|3Yrs|Pansexual - Pastry Lord Mothers (2/5): Mink|Female|Golden Retriever|4.5Yrs|Heterosexual - Pastry Lord Messed|Female|Belgian Sheepdog|4Yrs|Hetero - Unknown_Quantity - - - Foster Mothers (2/4): Willow|Female|Bernese Moutain Dog|4Yrs|Lesbian - Icewing Anita|Female|Miniature Samoyed|4Yrs|Aroace - Lost_Griffin - - Pups (5/10): Hiroshi|Male|German Shepherd|3Months|Unknown - Icewing Helem|Male|Miniature Samoyed|4Months|Unknown - Lost_Griffin Sagebush|Female|Aussie-Husky mix|5Months|Heterosexual - BABBAGE Roy|Male|Cardigan Welsh Corgi|Not born yet|Hetero - Tales of Pawprints Isabel|Female|Rottweiler|Nearing 6 months|Unknown - Icewing - - Elders (1/3) Bug|Male|Border Collie|10Yrs|Gay - Pastry Lord - - Loners (1/3): Tinker|Female|Pembroke Welsh Corgi|6Yrs|Pansexual - Tales of Pawprints - - Edited at June 3, 2022 04:27 AM by Thunder Struck

The sun is beginning to rise to wreak havoc again with heat. Some dogs are still slowly filtering into the Junkyard while others are hid behind piles and piles of garbage. They have yet to get to know each other (some more then others) but they have an unspoken promise, they will stick together. Only a few dogs only know each other, either old friends or are mates.

Atlas|Fighter|Male|Mentions: Open The young Dutch Shepherd slowly awoke, the returning heat disturbing his needed sleep. He raised his head, blinking the tiredness out of his eyes. The dog was currently laying on the passenger seat in a destroyed, rusting red car, glass scattered over the floor from the window, though the door was half way across the Junkyard, how that ended up over there, he did not know. His jaws separated in a yawn, showing off his ivory-coloured teeth. As they clamped shut, the canine gave a small huff, tail flicking at a snail's pace. Orion|Hunter|Male|M: open His eyes squinted as he popped his head out the top of a huge tire before resting his chin on the edge of it, tongue lapping at his dry charcoal coloured nose. Orion sighed inaudibly, muttering "I would love to be in a pool right now." The Irish Wolfhound sealed his eyes shut for a few more moments to get the burning ball of flames out of his pupils, ears pinning back against his cranium. Edited at May 31, 2022 04:55 PM by Thunder Struck

Ryu||Male||Hunter||3.5||M: Atlas Ryu had woken up from sleeping to movement in the car he was asleep in. He looked up yawning and how he had gotten here was unknown to him. Ryu slowly opened his eyes to see Atlas and said "Atlas?" Ryu wasn't kean on being awake at the moment but he didn't have much chocie now. He slowly looked around and the junk yard they seem to be in many other dogs had gathered here.

Anita | Foster Mother | Lady | 4 (may change to 2) years old | M: Helem, open |•|•| The heat was back again and I hated it. Why? Becuase it was so hot and it burned and my body just went nah and overheated. I was literally dying not really but can't a girl act. |•| The old pillow and blankets that where beyond repair were atleast giving some comfort and us meaning me and Helem my little brother figure anyway not about him sorry bro. The shade though we where bidding under yes it stank and was killing me again but it was hiding the sun so I wasn't bothered that much. |•|•| My whole body ached as I brang myself to get up becuase I kinda have to feed myself and Helem, and get water if I can find anything or anyone like another dog could maybe help but I didn't need anyone. It has always been and probably will always be me and Helem. |•|•| I looked over to my right and speaking of the devil he awoke my brother not the devil. I quickly nudged him making sure he was well not hurt and he was fine I couldn't loss him no matter what. (Can I just change her age to 2 if allowed) |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•| Helem | pup | boy | 4months | M: Anita, open ¥~¥~¥ The sun was back again and I knew I had to get up but I was way to tired running around yesterday, and climbing everything I could hurt but I did find some sort of plants yesterday old and wilting away but still plants. ¥~¥~¥ I knew my sister was up and I would have to go talk to her but didn't matter as soon as I moved one muscle, she was making sure I was okay. Yes it was nice to know you had someone but my sister could be a bit of a mother hen at times very protective. ¥~¥~¥ As the sun rose we slowly got out of our little hiding place and made out way across looking for food or water and just in case any other dogs. Maybe we could help them or make new friends. I had no idea but I hoped one-day we could make new friends I would love to meet another pup. Edited at May 31, 2022 05:29 PM by Lost_Griffin

(You may, Griffin) Atlas|Fighter|Male|M: Ryu, open He turned his head to look at Ryu for a quick moment after he heard his name being called, replying with a soft, "Hm?" Atlas then looked at the other dogs, though there was a few more then there was when him and Ryu first arrived. His tongue had lolled out of his mouth a few seconds ago to gently pant as the heat was getting to him far quicker then it had before. The only things he had enjoyed about the night was that it was far cooler and, well, he could sleep without tossing and turning. His tail kept flicking as if it were a fan hopelessly trying to make him a bit more cold. Edited at May 31, 2022 05:40 PM by Thunder Struck

Darwin| Delta|Male|6 yrs and a half| Mentions:Orion and Open Darwin slunk out of a heating trash can, it was made of metal like most bins dumped here. He had dragged Wilbir's blanket from the house and came here. He was slightly known but many of the dogs he had known had gone, moved towns or passed away. He had traveled here when he could not find peace. He had heard of a beautiful place that offered a little bit of stability. He came here on foot or should I say paw from a long way somewhere.
Darwin slunk out of the bin and yawned. He smiled at everyone, awake or fast asleep. He stretched, accidentally kicking his bin. He watched in remorse and uneasiness as it hit one of the hunters , Orion. He trotted Orion and apologized "Sorry Orion , are you okay ?" He fully opened his eyes but then regretted it and went back ti squinting . Even having a medium length coat made Darwin wanting to pant. He felt sorry for all the long haired dogs here. He blinked and put then in back in its place . It was a nice trash and, he had chosen it himself . He closed his eyes and listened for Orion's voice.

Ryu||Male||Hunter||3.5||M: Atlas Ryu looked at Atlas then said "Have you ever wondered why our owners had abonded us?" He felt the heat start to get to him which cause Ryu to began panting but not like Atlas. The heat affected Ryu differently due to his long coat. He stood up and jumped out of the car. Ryu looked at Atlas and then said "are you coming or gonna bake?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hiroshi||Pup||Male||3M||M: Open Hiroshi didn't have any family and had spotted a junkyard. His parents died due to the heat. Hiroshi stumbled into the Junkyard and collasped in the middle. He was very weak and skinny. Hiroshi had no one to take care of him since he was 2.5 months he luckly survied but it is unknown how long he can. Edited at May 31, 2022 05:59 PM by Icewing

Mink|Female|4 and a half yrs|Mother|Mentions: Hiroshi and her pups +Anita (not directly)+ Open Mink padded out from underneath the car, it provided shade but sometimes it just heated you up more. She panted and nodded to her pups so they could go out and play. They didn't really mind the heat much, unlike some pups . Mink spotted Hiroshi and immediately knew something was wrong thansk to her motherly instincts. She padded over and picked the weak pup up by the scruff . She carried the pup to the hade to the car as it was cool and nuzzled next to her. She whispered "Are you okay Hiroshi?" . She looked around and saw Anita and smiled which made her face lifted. She groomed the pup gently whilst waiting for the relply.