
6am~Wake up 7am~breakfast 8am~Riding Class 9am~Horse gymnastics 10am~BareBack 11am~Barrel Racing 12pm~Lunch Time 1pm~Dressage 2pm~Free time 3pm~Snack Time 4pm~Jumping 5pm~Trail Ride 6pm~Dinner Time 7pm~CraftGame time 8pm~Calm down time 9pm~Bed Time ~ June 3rd, 7:50am Nice day with a light breeze ~ Links~ Edited at September 12, 2022 04:28 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Dickon It was barely the break of dawn when he arrived at the horse camp, half-asleep atop Jump, his loyal pony. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, stretching. The horse camp was in view. "C'mon na, Jump," he said, and Jump sped up to an easy gallop. Theo Theo yawned. The early morning birds were singing out on the moor. He turned over to look at his clock. It was about 5:30 in the morning. Time to get up. He got up out of bed and threw his plaid shirt and shorts on, slipped his flip-flops onto his feet, and walked out into the chill of dawn.

Nora Nora opened the car door and got out. Bye mom she said as she shut the door. Im so excited she thought as she slowly made her way to the cabin. Dominic Dominic opened the car door and got out. Bye he murmered as he shut the door. He then made his way to the cabin. Carissa Carissa opened the door and said love you grandma, thanks again. She then got out and shut the door. It has been forever since she had been here but nothing seemed to change much. She then made her way to the cabin.

Carissa As carissa made her way to the cabin she saw a boy ontop a horse. Wow she thought, that horse is amazing. She then went up to them. I love your horse she said once she got to them.

Savannah|F|15|M: Austin, Open Savannah looked at her mom. "I can't believe we're here. Thank you again." She said, opening the truck's door. She looked up at the gates. "Wow. C'mon Austin." She said, looking back at her brother. She started walking towards her cabin. Her heart was racing. "The first day of camp." She whispered to herself. "I'm ready." Austin|M|14|M: Savannah, Open Austin smiled at his mom. "Thanks." He said, following his sister out of the door. "I'm coming, calm down." He said, rolling his eyes. He walked silently, towards the cabin. He had to admit that he was very excited yet a bit scared at the same time. He liked horses yet was a bit shy around others. He sighed shakily and approached the cabin, opened the door, and stepped inside. Edited at April 2, 2022 01:16 PM by The Midnight Wolves

(Forgot to tell everyone, on the inside of the cabin theres a note that says which horse you will be riding and a schedule. It says to Stay in the cabin and unpack your stuff until someone comes to get you for breakfast, Also girls are in one cabin and boys are in another.) Edited at April 2, 2022 01:19 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Nora Nora watched as the door opened and a girl came through(Savannah). She slightly smiled and went back to unpacking. Dominic Hi he said as a boy came in(Austin). He then went back to unpcking. I cant wait to get to pranking he thought. Edited at April 2, 2022 01:25 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Austin|M|14|M: Dominic Austin waved at the boy. He read a note inside the cabin. He was assigned a horse called Leila. He read a bit farther and it told him to stay in the cabin until someone came to get them. Once he was finished reading, he started unpacking. Savannah|F|15|M: Nora Savannah walked through the door and looked at the girl inside. She smiled and read a note. She had been assigned a horse named Kathy and they should stay in the cabin until someone came to get them. Savannah smiled and started unpacking her things.

Nora Nora looked up at the girl, what horse did you get assigned too? My horse is named Nala, by the way im Nora. Dominic Once Dominic got done unpacking he went to the bathroom. He smiled as he put fake poop on the toliet seat. Now, all i have to do is wait he thought as he came out and sat one the bed as he read the paper. The horse he was assigned too was a horse named Cherokee. Nice he thought.

Shara|15|F|M:Open Shara left home around 5:45 ish and headed towards the horse camp. As she walked there she noticed there was 2 cabins and a huge stable. She thought One cabin is probably for the boys and the other for the girls. She saw a cabin that said A1 and figured it was her cabin. She walked in a looked around to see some people already here.