(Map is by Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator)
Thalassa is a seafaring kingdom known for its navy. The land, especially close to the shore, is a bit rocky and not very good for farmland. Most of their agriculture is in the more inland areas, close to the Silvian and Fjellan borders. Its main source of income comes from fishing and ship building. It is protected by high, rocky cliffsides on the coast. This, along with its navy, makes it extremely difficult to attack by sea. Its capital is Pháos.
Fjell is a colder kingdom, abundant in pine forests and high mountains. Like Thalassa, Fjell does not excel in growing crops. The rocky terrain and cold weather make it difficult to sustain such a food source. Its main way of producing food is often by hunting game, although fish can be more common along the coastline. Its main source of income is metal that is mined from their own mountains. Metalworking is prominent in Fjell, and its products are always of a very good quality. This expertise in metalworking gives it an advantage in war, along with the hardiness of Fjellan soldiers. Its capital is Konungr.
Silvius is a smaller kingdom, covered in forests and fertile fields. Because of the land's fertility, Silvius is the most agricultural of all the kingdoms. Many fruits and vegetables are grown there, as well as wheat. It is famous for its wine, and its vineyards are a sight to behold. However, it does not have much pasture land, as most of the places that are not covered by lush forests are used for growing crops. It does not have much power in war, although it excels in military formation and strategy. This has helped it win in battles against forces larger than its own. Its capital is Sela.
Valeria is similar landwise to Silvius and Gleann, as it has many forests and plains, even if it is a little colder. However, Valeria is a newer kingdom, being founded about one hundred years later than the rest. Its people claim descent from an ancient warrior people that made its way to what is now its capital city, Imperium. Its prowess in war is great, and its armies are admirable in both adaptability and loyalty. It has gained much from the war, as it has tripled in size because of it. Even though it never started the war, it is probably the kingdom most likely to continue it.
Gleann is known for its plentiful meadows, hills, valleys, and plains. It has the best pasture land of all the kingdoms, and both its income and food source depend on the flocks that graze there. Gleann has an abundance of cattle, goats, sheep and horses. Because horses are so common there, many of its people are good riders. Its horsemanship is far better than any other kingdom, which is why its cavalry is feared and respected. However, it is the most peace loving kingdom, and the one that most looks forward to ending the war. Its capital is Plandaí.
This is the member of their kingdom's royal family who has been chosen to go to the Valerian capital for the peace meeting. They may be a king, queen, prince, or princess, but they must be directly members of the royal family. There is one from each kingdom, including the kingdom of Valeria.
This is the highest ranking military officer. The admiral oversees their kingdom's part in the war and sends orders to the generals if they notice something must be done. They usually take part in battles, but some may control and guide from the sidelines. The admiral might be someone of royal blood, they might have gotten their rank through outstanding military prowess, or both.
This is the rank below admiral. The general has one army under their command, and directly orders that army in whatever way they think is most likely to win a battle. They make their own decisions, aided by the input of their captains and notable officers. However, they must obey any order from the Admiral. If the general think the order will endanger the army, they can appeal to the king and queen of the kingdom. There are three generals, each in charge of an army.
The captain is in charge of the guards, and assigns to them their daily duties. Anything of concern that the guards or anyone else happens to find will be reported the captain. They take the lead if something goes wrong, and lead all the guards as a group. The captain would most likely be someone more experienced and older, or someone younger with exceptional skills. However, it doesn't have to be the case for either.
Guards are those in charge of protecting the royal, admiral, and generals. These guards have been specifically trained in numerous areas of combat and have been chosen for this mission because of their exceptional skills. Each guard has armor and a close combat weapon, although they may also carry another weapon if they so choose. Their daily assignments are brought by their charges and their captain. The guards also cannot explore or go places at their own leisure until the captain or those they are protecting allow them to do so.
Attendants are in charge of tending to the royal, admiral, and generals. They may be maids, manservants, grooms, and even medics. Each attendant's daily tasks depend on their profession. They may also provide care for the guards if it is needed. The attendants, unlike the guards, may roam about the capital freely, but there must always be someone to be within their charges' call.