
Welcome to The IditarodThe Iditarod is an annual long-distance sled dog race run in early March. It travels from Willow to Nome, all within the state of Alaska. Teams of mushers and between 12 and 14 dogs compete and must cover the distance in eight to fifteen days. Teams will race over 938 miles to reach the finish line through blizzards, whiteouts, sub-zero temperatures, and gale force winds that can cause the wind chill to reach -100 °F. The start line occurs in the city of Willow, Alaska and the finish line is in the city of Nome, Alaska.The trail runs from Willow up the Rainy Pass of the Alaska Range into the sparsely populated interior, and then along the shore of the Bering Sea, finally reaching Nome in western Alaska. The trail is through a rugged landscape of tundra and spruce forests, over hills and mountain passes, across rivers and even over sea ice.The trail is composed of two routes: a northern route, which is run on even-numbered years, and a southern route, which is run on odd-numbered years. Both follow the same trail, 352 miles, from Anchorage to Ophir, where they diverge and then rejoin at Kaltag, 346 miles from Nome.There are currently 26 checkpoints on the northern route and 27 on the southern route where mushers must sign in. Mushers often camp on the trail, but some stay at checkpoints and rest. Drop bags may be sent ahead to each checkpoint for the mushers and dogs, and are flown by the Iditarod Air Force. Gear may include food for the musher and dogs, extra booties for the dogs, headlamps for night travel, batteries, tools and sled parts for repairs, and even lightweight sleds for the final dash to Nome. There are three mandatory rest that each team must take. One twenty four hour layover, to be taken at any check point. One eight hour layover, taken at any checkpoint on the Yukon River. And an eight hour stop at White Mountain.The race begins at 10, the first musher is sent off at 10 AM. With the other teams being sent off with two minute intervals. Then the race is on!The Iditarod is coming up fast and the twenty teams that have chosen to participate this year, March 2022, have already arrived. They are now preparing their dogs to race, however just outside of Ruby, Alaska three of the teams are hit by an avalanche. Half of the dogs and all the mushers are killed instantly. While all the supplies are destroyed, and only parts of sleds can be found. With over half of the race left, and the path back to Ruby now blocked, the survivors are forced to make their way on to Galena. But with no supplies and no sleds, the trip is deadly. Forced to survive on whatever they can find and their wits, the survivors may not make it. At least without some more losses.Will the survivors make it to Galena? And if so, at what cost?ThreadsSign Ups: You are hereDiscussion: Click HereRP: N/A Edited at July 9, 2022 10:29 PM by Dagger Pack

Rules 1. Obey all WP rules 2. Be nice to each other. Hate the character, not the pack 3. Put olsen in other 4. Try to post anywhere between 200-500+ words. This will be a semi-literate RP 5. Pay attention to spelling and grammar 6. Actually put sled dog in other 7. Please only use sled dog breeds! A wolf-dog hybrid is allowed only if the dog part is a sled dog! Dogs that are pitbulls, german shepherds, russel terrier, etc will not be accepted as they are not sled dogs! 8. Please try and reply at least once a day 9. Let me know if you will be inactive and how long 10. Reservations last exactly 48 hours. Minutes will be rounded up. Such as if you reserve at 10:26 AM, then it will be rounded to 10 AM 11. Only one high rank position per pack 12. Actually put your favorite breed of dog in other 13. Have fun! 14. Do not control other people's characters 15. No OP characters. Weaknesses and flaws are a must 16. The dogs who die will be discussed eventually, do not stress about it, and please do not sign up with the intent of keeping all your dogs alive. Some must pass away 17. Keep it realistic 18. If you see loads of spots open, perhaps go for two characters? That way we may be able to start faster and we have a more of a chance of this RP not dying
Iditarod Rules 1. At least five dogs must finish the race 2. No drugs allowed, for mushers or dogs 3. Dogs must be examined by vets beforehand 4. No dogs may be added after the race begins 5. Mushers must keep a veterinary diary on the trail and are required to have it signed by a veterinarian at each checkpoint
Prizes First Place-$100,000 Second & Third Place-$50,000 Forth to Tenth Place-$25,000 Eleventh to Twentieth Place-$15,000
Roles Dog Handlers(NPC) These are the people who help handle dogs before and after the race, and sometimes at checkpoints. They are also the ones who takes injured/dead dogs from the musher at dog drop-offs to be shipped back home or taken to a vet Security(NPC) These are the people who keep people off of the trail and make sure the mushers are obeying the rules. They are the ones who keep everything orderly and on time Veterinarians(NPC) These people are the ones who care for injured dogs, they also test the dogs before hand for any injuries or drugs Trailbreakers(NPC) They make the trail for the mushers to follow from the starting line through all the checkpoints to the finish line. They are responsible for making sure the mushers know where the trail is so that the mushers may stay on path Communications(NPC) People at the start, checkpoints, and finish line who communicate to each other about mushers, injured dogs, etc Cooks(NPC) These people are at each checkpoint, they cook for the mushers so that the musher has food. Though a musher may cook for themselves. Cooks also cook for the staff Logistics(NPC) These are the people keeping track of everything. Such as how many mushers have been through which checkpoint, how long a musher has stayed at a checkpoint, how many dogs have been injured, etc Iditarod Air Force(NPC) They fly supplies ahead to different checkpoints for the mushers if the mushers have boxes set to be dropped off at checkpoints. They may also keep an eye on the race from above Mushers(NPC) Person who steers a dogsled led by sled dogs. He/she gives the orders to the lead dogs and helps care for the dogs along the trail. He/she may keep injured dogs in the basket on the sled. Mushers will be NPC's, since they are going to die in the avalanche, however they will be controlled only by lead dogs. Lead Dogs The lead dogs set the tone for the entire race, they lead the pack, carrying out the musher's commands. A lead dog is the dog that goes first in formation, they must be both smart and fast to have this position. All commands are given verbally so the lead dog must be able to comprehend what the musher is saying, hence the need for intelligence. There can be two lead dogs Swing Dogs The swing dogs follow the lead dogs with their main duty being to follow turns. They "swing" the pack left or right. There can be four swing dogs Team Dogs The dogs that actually pull the material and control the speed. They make up the rest of the team. There can be six team dogs, sometimes more depending on the race Wheel Dogs The wheel dogs take the full weight of the sled on take-off and when climbing uphill. They also help steer the sled. These dogs are the strongest in the pack and must have good control so as not to get distracted, or overtake the others and not be scared of the sled traveling so closely behind them. Generally, an even-tempered dog is best suited as a wheel dog. There can be four wheel dogs
Teams 1. Ghost Legends 2. Retro Rebels 3. Quicksilver Fighters 4. Midnight Tornadoes(NPC) 5. Poison Stingers(NPC) 6. Black Crushers(NPC) 7. The Tanks(NPC) 8. Scorpion Mashers(NPC) 9. Smokin Spiders(NPC) 10. Zulu Reapers(NPC) 11. Rhino Mafia(NPC) 12. Fire Agents(NPC) 13. Alpha Panthers(NPC) 14. Delta Raccoons(NPC)15. Raging Stars(NPC)16. The Wasps(NPC)17. Silver Bullets(NPC)18. Rocky Tanks(NPC)19. Night Dragons(NPC)20. Ghost Fireballs(NPC)Sign Up SheetFull NameMeaning of NameNickname/AliasesPlace of BirthAgeGenderSpeciesRace/BreedTeamRole Appearance(Needs at least 100 words or a picture) Personality(Needs at least 100 words) Likes/Dislikes(Must have at least five of each) Strengths/Weaknesses(Must have at least five of each) Allergies Languages Accent Quote/Mantra Relationships(Optional) Other Edited at July 11, 2022 11:40 AM by Dagger Pack

Teams Listed in ranks(Up to down)
Ghost Legends Musher(1/1) -Hope Kennard|F|NPC Lead Dogs(2/2) -Sedona|F|Mother -Miska|F|South Side Swing Dogs(1/4) -Meriwa|F|Imperial Sands - - - Team Dogs(0/6) - - - - - - Wheel Dogs(3/4) -Buddy|M|Nephele -Deanero|F|Adderglade -Aram|M|Mother -
Retro Rebels Musher(1/1) -Nathaniel Hogan|M|NPC Lead Dogs(2/2) -Zelda|F|Dagger Pack -Timor Animarum|M|Adderglade Swing Dogs(4/4) -Kokanee|M|Interstellar Sun -Ares|M|~TheUltimapack~ -Amaruq|M|South Side -Marlen|F|Pastry Lord Team Dogs(2/6) -Reese|F|Dagger Pack -Lux Brumalis|F|Convivial -Reservation for Mother - - - Wheel Dogs(2/4) -Danica|F|Dagger Pack -Chinook|M|Mother -Reservation for Pastry Lord -
Quicksilver Fighters Musher(1/1) -Harper Kulmala|F|NPC Lead Dogs(2/2) -Duncan|M|Talen -Ksenia|F|Nirvana_Sky Swing Dogs(1/4) -Fulminare|M|Convivial - - - Team Dogs(0/6) - - - - - - Wheel Dogs(1/4) -Yaktag|M|Imperial Sands - - - Edited at July 13, 2022 02:21 PM by Dagger Pack

Full Name Zelda Meaning of Name Zelda means dark battle Nickname/Aliases Zel Lead Dog Place of Birth Ruby, Alaska Age Five Gender Female Species Dog Breed Alaskan Malamute Team Retro Rebels Role Lead Dog Personality Zelda is an incredibly intelligent dog. She is also very kind when it comes to other dogs and humans, at least if they aren't rude. She loves other dogs and often when they are not racing, she is playing or talking with others. However she is also a very firm and serious dog when it comes to racing. She knows her position as lead dog and knows that she must be prepared to listen and heed her musher's commands quickly. She does not like when dogs fight, especially if it is among her teammates, but understands that sometimes tensions can get high and sometimes dogs just snap. She does her best to keep the peace, but even she cannot keep peace. Despite her kind nature, she can become incredibly cold natured and rude if pushed. She does not like rude dogs or rude people, and she is very clear about it Likes -Running/Racing -Playing/talking with other dogs -Playing/hanging with musher -Sleeping -Training Dislikes -Fights/arguments -Being stuck in a kennel -Dangers(Avalanches, ice breaking, etc) -Being unable to race -Rude/selfish dogs/humans Strengths -Speed(For a lead dog she is actually decently quick on her feet) -Strength(She is decently strong) -Intelligent -Quick thinking -Kind/social Weaknesses -Clumsy(She can definitely get a bit clumsy, thankfully not during a race) -Too kind(Dogs like to try to take advantage of that) -Social(She can sometimes annoy dogs and they leave) -Authoritative(She can be authoritative when she doesn't need to be and that can make some dogs made) -Energetic(She can tire herself out too fast sometimes) Allergies Chicken feathers Languages English Accent Alaskan Quote/Mantra "If you're going to stand. Stand like giants." Relationships -Poppy(Mother) -Khan(Father) -Leon(Brother) -Nuka(Brother) -Opal(Sister) OtherGerman Shepherd***Full NameReeseMeaning of NameReese means fieryNickname/AliasesReeTeam DogPlace of BirthJuneau, AlaskaAgeFourGenderFemaleSpeciesDogBreedSiberian HuskyTeamRetro RebelsRoleTeam Dog Appearance (Credits)
 Personality Reese is incredibly sarcastic and mischievous. She often likes to play pranks and jokes on others, and her sarcastic words get her into a lot of trouble. But despite all that she is a very loyal dog and will do anything for her team, who she considers best friends. She enjoys hanging out with her team and loves to play with others. She loves to learn and is constantly pestering dogs, mainly her team, about things. It can get annoying but in a sort of endearing way. Despite her sarcastic attitude she gets away with quite a lot of things, because she can just as quickly turn around and bat those pretty eyelashes at you. Her sarcasm can often make you laugh, or just simply shake your head Likes-Sarcasm-Jokes/Pranks-Laughing-Hanging out with her team-Playing or trainingDislikes-Dogs who can't take a joke-Abusers-Not being able to do something-Dogs who don't understand jokes-Being told offStrengths-Confident/Bold-Quick on her feet-Quick thinking-Imaginative-Ability to laugh just about anything offWeaknesses-Bold(Can get her in trouble)-Imaginative(Her imagination can run away from her)-Chaotic-Stubborn-Laughing off anything(Can make dogs mad and sometimes attack)AllergiesN/ALanguagesEnglishAccentAlaskanQuote/Mantra"You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions."RelationshipsN/A, PM me Other German Shepherd * * * Full Name Danica Meaning of Name Danica means the Morning Star Nickname/Aliases Dani Wheel Dog Place of Birth St. Paul, Minnesota Age Five Gender Female Species Dog Breed Alaskan Husky Team Retro Rebels Role Wheel Dog Appearance (Credits)
Personality Danica is a very reserved dog, she does prefer to be by herself, though she does enjoy hanging around with her team listening to them talk. Though quiet and reserved, Danica is an incredibly loyal dog and there isn't much that someone could say that would shake her loyalty. She does have a few issues with authority, especially if she does not respect or like the wolf trying to order her around. Danica is one of those dogs who honestly doesn't really care about much. She does try to do her best when racing, but honestly the race results don't affect her like it affects the others. And if you manage to get past her reserved and cool nature, she actually is a decently kind and sweet dog, for the most part as long as you don't make her mad Likes -Storms -Rain/Water -Night time -Relaxing by the fire -Her team Dislikes -Pure silence -Violence -Rude dogs -Her father Strengths -Loyal -Hand to hand combat -High tolerance to pain -Muscle(Strength) -Reserved(No one really bothers her) Weaknesses -Reserved -Reckless -Serious -Guarded/Unable to trust(Exception to the team she runs with) -Stubborn Allergies N/A Languages English Accent American Quote/Mantra "Nope.... Still don't care." Relationships -Dawn(Mother) -Rover(Father) -Striker(Brother) OtherGerman Shepherd Edited at July 7, 2022 11:45 AM by Dagger Pack

Can I reserve one of the lead dog roles for Quicksilver Fighters?

Talen said: Can I reserve one of the lead dog roles for Quicksilver Fighters?
Reservation lasts until 11 AM on July 8th

May I reserve a wheel dog slot please?

Cloudystar said: May I reserve a wheel dog slot please?
Which team

Ghost legends if possible Dagger Pack said: Cloudystar said: May I reserve a wheel dog slot please?
Which team

Cloudystar said: Ghost legends if possible Dagger Pack said: Cloudystar said: May I reserve a wheel dog slot please?
Which team
Reservation lasts until 1 PM on July 8th