Candor and I will be Co-owing this RP. They can accept and decline sign ups just like I can.
At the beginning of the world there were three packs. Two of them have argued and fought for as long as anyone could remember. The third pack has remained clear of the ""war"" as they call it, not wanting their pack to be injured in the process. Will the packs create peace, or will war rage through the forest forever?
Role Play rules
All of WP rules
Keep it semi realistic (No fake coats, No powers)
Keep it semi realistic (No fake coats, No powers)
Important WP rules
No God modding
No God modding
No perfect characters
This RP will be Semi-literate
Please post at least every three days
Tell me if you are going to be gone longer than five days
Put faction in other if you read the rules
Notify me if you are going to quit this rp
You can have two dominants (Beta/Alpha) at a time.
If you aren't active within a week without telling me, I'll just delete your characters.
Don't play a main character if you aren't going to be really active.
I need a role-play sample or even a role-play before you can sign up as a high rank
Your first three characters have to be different factions.
No crushes/Mates with your own characters
Pups must have mothers
Mothers must have mates
Not all Darkseekers are Evil, Not all Lightbringers are nice
Faction rules
Alpha word is law.
Betas take over if something happens to the alpha.
Don’t trespass on other faction’s territory.
No friends outside your faction
Alpha male and female are mates
beta male and female are mates
Healer cannot have mate.
Healer apprentice can begin at 1 year
No mates with your same gender
Nobody may challenge the alpha(s) unless they do something that puts the pack in danger
Social stuff
Packs of the same faction are friendly and often have mates with other packs of the same faction.
Neutrals don't get into fights with Darkseekers and Light Bringers very often.
Darkseekers and Lightbringers don't punish Neutrals as harshly for crimes.