
Wolves019 You decide to head over to the rocky area, and walk down the hill. The bleating seems to be getting louder, echoing off some of the rocks. You make your way through the rocks, climbing onto a big rock. Looking around, you spy a large dog laying down on another watch, seeming to be focused on something. You turn to look, but the rocks block your view. A. Walk closer to the rock with the dog and see what it's watching B. Avoid the dog

A. Walk closer to the rock with the dog and see what it's watching

Wolves019 You hop down from the rock you were on, onto a smaller rock. You walk over to the dog, carefully. The dog took its gaze from whatever it was watching for a few heartbeats, looking at you. Then it shifted its gaze back over there. You walk a bit closer and peer past the rocks. You don't see anything right away, but then it looks like a rock moved. Whatever moved was definately too big to be a kid, but maybe it was an adult. A. Wait B. Leave C. Get out an item (Choose: second-cut hay, collar and leash, bottle of milk)


Wolves019 You waited, your eyes scanning the are for any more movement. Then a goat walks out from behind the rock.  It's a full-grown bluish gray buck with blue eyes A. Walk towards him, slowly B. Get out second cut hay and walk a bit closer and hold it out to him C. Leave and look for another goat

B. Get out second cut hay and walk a bit closer and hold it out to him

Wolves019 The buck seems to notice you walking towards him and watches as you hold out the hay. The scent drifts into his nose and takes a hesitant step forward, them stares at you a bit longer. His eyes shine with interest as he looks at you, then the hay. What do you do now? A. Wait B. Step a little closer C. Leave


Wolves019 The buck sniffs the air once more, still looking at you. You look around but dont see any more goats nearby. You shift your gaze back to the buck who takes a few more steps carefully, slowly walking towards you and the hay. A. Wait B. Step a bit closer
