
1234567890 You walk down the tunnel, the sound of water rushing greeting you. As you walk, the ground beneath you slowly slopes down towards the water, and soon it's lapping at your feet. The glowing water ripples as you decide. - Exit cave Call out for canines Get in water - - Bag: red collar (x1) plastic collar (x1) yin yan collar (x1) leash (Unlimited) cage (x1) elk meat (x5) dog treats (Unlimited) muzzle (x1) flashlight (x1) bottle (x1) + Lantern (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2)

IbukiMiodaKin - You take out your matches and gather some kindling together. You strike a match and let the fire burn, creating a rod to put the fish on above the flames. As ou wait, a rustle from the bushes surprises you. You look back, seeing dark amber eyes look back at you. - Hold out meat Leave it be run away - - Bag: red collar (x1) orange collar (x1) plastic collar (x1) yin yan collar (x1) leash (Unlimited) cage (x1) deer meat (x5) bottle (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2) Bait (x9)

Whats wrong with a bit of a swim lol i suppose ill get in the water


Misfit Flowers<3 - Adopt Male Uncommon Trait: Stealth No mutation No defect Credits are on the front page - - You and your fox stay at the farm, walking to one of the other pastures. You open the gate and head to a small barn in the far corner. You peek your head in, only seeing hay and a sheep. You pull it out and look over the farm, seeing a shed, another pasture, and a pond. - Go to: Shed Pasture Pond Forest Mountains - Bag: Plastic Collar (x1) Yin-Yan Collar (x1) Bottle (x1) Caribou Meat (x8) Leash (Unlimited) Cage (x1) Muzzle (x1) Map (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2)

He's so pretty, great work on the art<3 Go to the other pasture

So sorry to everyone! I'll post all of your interactives this week

1234567890 You take off your backpack and crawl in the water your feet touching the ground after a few seconds. You walk around for a bit, the water swirling around you. The glowing blue water turns to a vibrant green, and begins bubbling. You swim backwards, back towards the your backpack. Dark fur emerges from the water, and swam towards you, and you scramble out of the water. The head of the creature lifts above the surface, revealing a dark gray wolf with green streaks in it's fur and vibrant green eyes. - Use Elk Meat Use Treats Run - - Bag: red collar (x1) plastic collar (x1) yin yan collar (x1) leash (Unlimited) cage (x1) elk meat (x5) dog treats (Unlimited) muzzle (x1) flashlight (x1) bottle (x1) + Lantern (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2)

IbukiMiodaKin - You hold out the meat, and a dark brown wolf crawls out of the bushes, it's nose twitching eagerly at the meat in front of it. The wolf crawaled forward, quickly taking the meat from your hands. It gabbles it down in seconds before curling up at your feet as you turn back to take your fish off of the fire, eating the fish. - Congrats, you caught a wolf! I'll post your adopt and options soon - - Bag: red collar (x1) orange collar (x1) plastic collar (x1) yin yan collar (x1) leash (Unlimited) cage (x1) deer meat (x5) bottle (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2) Bait (x9)

Misfit Flowers<3 You Jump the fence of the pasture next to you, your fox following close behind. Soon, though, yoyur fox growls at something at the corner of the pasture, dragging you towards it. I glimpse of dark red fur catches your eye, and you start jogging. The dark red fox wriggled, seeming to be stuck under the fence. You notice it's eyes are glazed over. Blind. - Go to: Help fox Walk away Scream ad run - Bag: Plastic Collar (x1) Yin-Yan Collar (x1) Bottle (x1) Caribou Meat (x8) Leash (Unlimited) Cage (x1) Muzzle (x1) Map (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2)