
So, you're ready? Okay! :D

the blood keepers said: B. My character moves slow and steady through the jungles brush,as they tread on forwards into the green masst.their eyes search between the flat,big leaves:searching for anything out of the ordinary. Of course the employee sees the way you want to go, and with almost a nod he goes. He gets a bit farther, and pushed leaves and other things out of the way as he went through. Then he finds a leaf, with a strand of fur stuck in it. He stood whilst holding a plant out of the way of his face with his right forearm and hand. He was looking at the strand of fur and his eyes did something like a squint, he knew what it was, but right then, a sound occured up ahead. Not more than 2 seconds after he had spotted the hair, there occured a scraping, or slight rustling.. o-or whatever it was sound. He lurched back, so now he stood more upright, and his eyes widened for a moment, he hadn't fully expected that to occur then. For that wasn't the sound of a wolf. A. Take a closer look at that wolf hair. B. Go investigate the new sound. C. Go search elsewhere. D. Other. Edited at July 7, 2024 11:15 PM by Snidepack

My character is now noticeably freaking out,their eyes dash left and right: searching for the source of the seemingly ominous sound. My character shakes from head to toe;they stance their legs in a position ready to run, should anything go wrong.

Oh my goodness I forgot to add the choices! Sorry!! Ok so, I probably should have clarified this earlier, and in the post but, you're not put into some fictional character I move around, there's employees (a few are pictured in the first post) that specialize in one of each of the available animals, and it takes currency to go with one of them. But you can do about whatever you want. So in a way there are two going out into the wild to search for animals, the employee doing their job (who might not be treated very well here heh heh but who knows about that?), and you. Edited at July 7, 2024 11:14 PM by Snidepack

Yeah. I noticed too , that there were no choices. But I didn't want to not respond , and make the impression I was ghosting you. And I have been ghosted before... So sorry if I made it feel like I took control and not following the choice lines🐾😐.

Snidepack said: the blood keepers said: B. My character moves slow and steady through the jungles brush,as they tread on forwards into the green masst.their eyes search between the flat,big leaves:searching for anything out of the ordinary. Of course the employee sees the way you want to go, and with almost a nod he goes. He gets a bit farther, and pushed leaves and other things out of the way as he went through. Then he finds a leaf, with a strand of fur stuck in it. He stood whilst holding a plant out of the way of his face with his right forearm and hand. He was looking at the strand of fur and his eyes did something like a squint, he knew what it was, but right then, a sound occured up ahead. Not more than 2 seconds after he had spotted the hair, there occured a scraping, or slight rustling.. o-or whatever it was sound. He lurched back, so now he stood more upright, and his eyes widened for a moment, he hadn't fully expected that to occur then. For that wasn't the sound of a wolf. A. Take a closer look at that wolf hair. B. Go investigate the new sound. C. Go search elsewhere. D. Other. B: my character creeps up and peers into the leaves with a different perception, and changes their fear into curiosity as they investigate the source of the rustling. Edited at July 8, 2024 06:25 PM by the blood keepers
