

StarDarc You grab one of your leashes and collars, the goat finishing her treat. You attach the leash to the collar, making sure it's secure. The goat looks at your with curiosity and interest. She sniffs at the collar and grabs it in her mouth, trying to eat it. A. Take it out of her mouth and put it on her [end journey] B. Pet her C. Take it out of her mouth and pet her


StarDarc (Sorry, I forgot about this!) You take the collar from her mouth, then clip it around her neck. She sniffs at you, flicking her tail a few times. You straighten yourself up and grab her leash. You gently tug on the leash, and she follows when you start retracing your steps. You don't see that many goats anymore, they've either moved farther into the rocks or separated. You see an easier way that just into the crevice again, and quickly get out of the rocks. As you walk towards the gate, you hear a yowling. Off to the barn, you see five dogs growling and barking at three mountain lions, one larger and two younger-looking ones. The dogs are directing them towards the fence they broke, they shouldn't be an issue for you if you hurry. Once you leave the fence, the doe looks up at you and flicks her tail. Congratulations! You've captured a black doe with white flecks!  What will you name her?


Another beautiful name :0! The 30 mush can be sent whenever, me forgetting to say that before lmaooo >.>
