
RadRadish said: Oh someone applied for dawn leader
Yepp. I thought I reserved it last night, but apparently I just got severely sidetracked and then went to sleep. Oops. Feiella said: They will be second leader as the first one died. Still we have a leader
I think it's more interesting this way. Rudd was going to way more of a hard-liner but then I realized he'd probably get a coup real fast

I should be able to get a post up for at least two of my characters tonight^^ Love the ideas yall are coming up with!

What's our starting scenario? Or am I just blind and missed it
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How are hybrids for example the caracal/deer character possible? I would like to figure out a little bit of lore first since that'll impact how my character Wonder behaves striaght away Edited at February 16, 2025 08:19 PM by RadRadish

Are we starting in morning like everyone just woke up?
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@Smilecat, How do you feel about our two meeting up together in a bit? She needs to inform him of her pregnancy at some point.

Game Moderator Neutral
TheCuteHuskyPack said: Are we starting in morning like everyone just woke up?
Boeing said: What's our starting scenario? Or am I just blind and missed it
Everyone is already awake and out or they are just waking up.
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Game Moderator Neutral
RadRadish said: How are hybrids for example the caracal/deer character possible? I would like to figure out a little bit of lore first since that'll impact how my character Wonder behaves striaght away
hmm maybe their old home was destroyed and they were young so the packs/prides took them in but eventually both leaders of Dusk and the former leader of Dawn exiled them. The prides/packs aren't sure how some of the unusual hybrids were possible?
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Sounds good enough to me! LOL

That sounds good! Working on Carys's & Berite's post's now! Edited at February 16, 2025 08:51 PM by Journey