
Start Green Gold Rose Thorn Moth The two of you walk together away from the barbwire fence of town. The sounds of the forest setting you on edge. It's dangerous out here... You must first decide if you're going to stick together or split up to search for the mushrooms. -You May- Stick Together Split Up (This is sort of a voting system with more than one person in a party. If it is a tie, time will pass and an event will occur while you are squabbling.)

Searching right this time.

Rose Thorn ↓ Nonbinary ↓ Mentions: Moth Rose Thorn looked around, and decided that she didn't have any armor, weapons, or even food on hand. She decided it was best to: "We should stick together. We don't want to... You know... Go Bye-Bye..." She said, making a 'Bleh' sound and sitting down to face Moth. Edited at July 11, 2023 02:09 PM by Aspen's Quake

Opal . You explore to the right for a while, the dim light of the mushrooms illuminating your path. Soon, the path you're following splits into three. Down the left most of the paths, is a trail of chewed bark and hoofprints. Down the center is a trail of dog like paw prints and what looks like blood. And the path to the very right is clean and looks like nothing has followed it for a while. -You May- Choose Left Path (horse prints) Choose Center Path (dog prints) Choose Right Path



Rose Thorn and Moth You decide after a moment to stick together, there's no telling what you'll find out here. You're presented with two small game trails, though, as you're looking for mushrooms, you may not want to stick to the path. -You May- Follow Left Path Follow Right Path Go off the Trail

Opal You choose the left path and soon come across a death horse munching on a fallen tree. It looks docile, and hasn't yet noticed you. -You May- Sneak Past Attack with Dagger Choose a different Path

