
The hound seems shocked that you run towards it, but quickly recovers and opens its jaws wide, catching your sprained paw and throwing you against one of the cave walls. -5 HP -You May- Run Attack with Claws Try to Hide


You shake yourself off and rush forward again, leaping for the creatures back. It snaps at you and misses this time, allowing you to land on its back and scratch at it. -1 HP Rot Hound It rears up on its hind legs to try to reach you and slams you against the cave wall, however you're able to slip away from it unharmed and get in another scratch to its cheek. -1 HP Rot Hound -You May- Run Attack with Claws Try to Hide


Once more you rush towards the creature, dodging its snapping attacks to deliver a flurry of scratches to its stomach before scampering away again. -3 HP Rot Hound Angered, the rot hound turns to face you again and barks aggressively at you before fleeing down one of the pathways. -You May- Follow Rot Hound Explore The Caves More Set Net


You follow the rot hound deeper into the caves, it's snarls becoming whimpers of fear. Finally it hits a dead end and turns to face you again, barking aggressively, but with its tail between its legs. -You May- Leave it Alone Feed it Jerky Attack with Claws


You pull out your jerky bag and offer it a piece from your hand, but it seems reluctant. Getting a bit closer, the rumbling in its throat starts back up again. You pull your hand away just in time as the beast reaches out and snaps at you again, shoving past you and running away down the cave path again, the glow worms glittering above it. It's too late for that one... -You May- Attempt to follow Rot Hound Explore Elsewhere Set Net

Set net, Follow rot hound