
End Death on Hooves Opal 94 HP . -Earned- Death Horse -Returned to Glowmire-


You explore the west forest, dull blues and green glow all around you, but none of them wriggle. After a while of walking, a loud CRACK echos through the forest... but nothing else happens. -You May- Explore West Explore East Explore North


You continue West and the small trail you've been on suddenly splits into two. A yellow light eminates from the trail to the right, while the trail to the left is dark. The yellow light along the path isn't wriggling... but it is pulsing. -You May- Go Left Go Right Go Back


You continue down the glowing trail to the right, for a while, it just continues. The yellow growing brighter and brighter. But after a moment, it just dissapears into the dust. You're about to give up and try the other trail, when a loud CRUNCH sound rings in your ears and the ground suddenly falls out from under you. You crash to the floor of a stone cave, landing on your feet but spraining your ankle. -5 HP Gathering your bearings, you stand up and brush yourself off looking up at the hole you fell through. It's much too steep and unstable to climb back up. You're stuck down here... -You've Fallen into The Rotten Caves- As you look around for a way out though, you notice the yellow glow on the roof of the cave... its... moving! All the glow worms must be in these caves right now! You could probably set your nets anywhere and explore for a bit and come back to tons of glow worms! -You May- Set Net (1, 2 or 3?) Explore The Caves Try to Climb Out Edited at July 11, 2023 01:20 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Set 1 net, explore the caves

You set your net and continue through the caves, the glow worms still glowing brightly above your head. You soon turn a corner and are met with the back end of a Rot Hound! It seems to be eating something and almost immediately turns on you and snarls, it's rotted face contortions into a roar. -You May- Run Attack with Claws Try to Hide (Don't have a drawing for this guy yet, sorry!) Edited at July 10, 2023 07:43 PM by Sunset Ghosts
