
Tragedy enters, looking around before he Rayne. He sits down and exposes his wrists, as well as shows the red mushrooms. "Could you fix this?" he inquires.

Rayen hissed a bit at the sight of the crystals. "Oh, yea, Crystal Scale sucks. Where are the crystals you touched to get it? Did you bring them back here?" Rayne asked seriously as he padded over to the shelf and returned with a potion. "This will be 10 pinecones. Drink it and the growths should fall off and you'll feel better. But you'll need to get rid of any crystals that fall off as well as any you may have brought here without touching them. Shouldn't even take an hour." -You've spent 10 pincones- "As for the mushrooms, I've never seen red before. Maybe Torka will know."

Tragedy sighs, a bit disappointed in himself and his greediness for the crystals. "Heard ya loud and clear." He murmurs. He hands over the pinecones and takes the potion before leaving, thanking Rayne for the help before disposing of the remaining cystrals carefully, burying them so no one else could be inflicted on the same pain before heading away.

Rocky - canine as Rocky took a few steps closer towards the hut , he looked down and heard low growling from Cleopatra " I know, you don't want to be here but I'm just selling the 2 things I've caught then leaving " he mumbled to Cleopatra As he approached the counter, he pulled up the net with the weird glowing fish " hello River, I have a few glowing fish I need to sell " as he pulled Cleopatra behind his front leg to hopefully stop the growling from her
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River looked up happily and nodded putting a pouch of pinecones on the table and waving to the little fox. "Aww how cute! I see you already got her a collar! Rayne won't even try. Anything else I can get for you?" -You've earned 15 pinecones-

Rocky - canine at the sound of a complement Cleopatra stopped her growling and seemed to calm down as Rocky grabbed the pinecones and put them in his bag. " thanks River, no I don't believe so I've luckily avoided catching anything , I'll be sure to stop by if anything happens " spoke Rocky in a happy tone of voice as he left the hut with Cleopatra leading the way
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(For the lore, my being out of town excuse for the rp) ~~~As Ocean is going to the Healers Hut, she decided to nibble on a mushroom. She falls into a coma for a week ~~~

Rayne and River set Ocean up in a cot in their tent, keeping a close eye on her temperature and making sure she gets enough water.

Shock padded into the shop "Hey I've got a glowy thingy for you rayne!" he purred as he set the dead glowing lobster on the counter

Rayne looked up and quickly took the Lobster into the back, coming back with a small pouch of pinecones. "Thanks! I'm working on a cure for the Glowing ones, we keep finding more and more." -You've earned 5 pinecones!-