
Damsel | F | Warrior | Mentions; Moon - Damsel woke up, blinking as she adjusted to the light. She got up, heading out of the den. She noticed that Moon was awake and went over to her, wagging her tail as she called out a greeting. "Good morning, Moon!" The two had an unexpected friendship but Damsel didn't care. It wasn't Moon's fault that she had a curse. Damsel nudged her friend fondly. "Did you sleep well last night?" She questioned.

Moon | Female | Vampire "Good morning, Damsel! I did sleep well. How are you?" She replied, smiling. Edited at October 17, 2023 05:02 PM by FoxDolphin and Rain

Tangle|alpha|female| mentions: hunters (I'm sorry I didnt see new notiications) "Midnight, Azalea, would you join me on a hunting patrol to restock the prey pile?"

Midnight | Male | Hunter "Okay, Tangle! I was thinking the prey pile is looking a bit low." He says, and starts toward the entrance(exit in this case).

Tangle|alpha|female (I just realized why. I didn't subscribe) Tangle nodded and followed Midnight out the entrance. "What are you feeling like hunting today?" (what's the setting? What's the types of prey?)

Midnight | Male | Hunter (It's a forest and there are rabbits, mice, birds, boars, that stuff) "I don't know. Maybe just anything that we can see?" He suggests. "What do you think, Azalea?" Edited at October 20, 2023 08:46 AM by FoxDolphin and Rain

Moon | Female | Vampire "Ooh, a patrol, can I go too?" Moon asks.

Tangle|F|alpha Tangle turned to Moon, surprised. "Sure if you want to."

Damsel | F | Warrior - "I'm good, thanks Moon." The she-wolf replied before Moon went to ask about joining a patrol. Damsel looked towards the dens. It was getting cold recently so she might patch them up while she can.

Azalea | F | Hunter - "I'm honestly hoping for some rabbits today." Azalea replied to Midnight. "Whatever we find we should try and catch though." She ended up adding. " With three of us hunting we should be able to catch enough for the whole pack."