
Allegra practiced a few of melodys from the book. She tried playing the new pipes, but after a while it just didnt work, so she switched back to her old pipes. Her pipes were quite different from the chestnut wood ones. Her own pipes were made of a brown maple, carved intricately with the story of the Elders. The carvings were her own, as each fuan always made their first pipes themselves. Once she switched back, playing just felt easier. Edited at July 14, 2023 09:07 PM by Red Ash

She tucked the pipes away, then wandered back the way Karma showed her. She made alot of wrong turns, and doubled back several times. But after what felt like hours, she made it there! Only to see Morigan. "Her again?" She mumbled.

Morrigan just glanced over, glaring at Allegra, before turning her attention back.

Aurora was flying in the sky looking around for a new place to live she landed on a tree looking around even more she said nothing at all she sighed will I ever have friends live ever find a place to live while I ever feel peace she asked herself she kept flying seeing where the wind would take her

(Sorry!) "Oh...Karma? Yeah..why?" Alosha stared at Morrigan nervously. "Has she done something to be a bother? I can replace any food she stole, if that's what you're getting at...what are you doing here, Allegra?" Inside, Karma meowed, her head poking out the door

Allegra really didnt want Morrigan there, but there really was no other choice, as she walked closer handing the other pipes back "These dont really feel right either." She mumbled. Edited at July 18, 2023 09:47 AM by Red Ash

Alosha shrugged, taking them back. "Well I suppose you should use your own, then." Karma sniffed Allegra's legs, looking up at her with bright eyes

Allegra twisted her hands, a little uncomfortable that the lady was interfering again. She decided it was probably best to leave them to talk, so she picked up her own pipes playing a merry tune and trotted away. Edited at July 21, 2023 09:57 PM by Red Ash

Wondering what to do next, Allegra let go of her pipes, dropping them back to her neck, then bit into a sweet pear. It was a little bit over ripe, different from the ways the fauns grew fruite, but it was what she had. Her hunger seemed to grow the more she ate but she couldnt eat all her fruit too fast, otherwise she wouldnt have any food to eat, and she'd have to spend the few coins she had. Edited at July 21, 2023 10:03 PM by Red Ash

"I just, need to be here. I cannot explain it." She looked down at Karma. "Hello again, friend." She said to her, quite like she was talking to another person. She moved her gaze back up to Alosha. "You feel it to, do you not?"