
Catori Thirle | Stand-In Chief | Mentions Elariel, Cornaith (Dir.) Koa, Ivan, Clisteoeska, Elders (Indir.) Catori blinked rapidly at the sound of someone greeting her, looking up from where she was filling her cup of water, she caught sight of the familiar form of Elariel and a gentle smile graced her lips. He looked just as tired as she felt. At the mention of Cornaith, she felt the weight in her stomach grow just that little bit heavier. The thought crossed her mind that it was likely a one-time foray that may never be spoken of again, the actual outcome would likely be revealed throughout the day. Pushing the mingling thoughts to the back of her head, she had no time to waste on fretting about what may or may not happen. “Good morning.” She tilted her head to take in another sip of water, eyes scanning around the clearing for signs of other members making their appearance. Her ears pricked as Elariel began to explain his plans for his patrol, slowly she looked back towards him. Gradually, her eyes narrowed as he seemed to be planning on taking on the entirety of their borders. She allowed him to finish explaining his plans, she would never want to interrupt the elder warrior despite her ranking. “We will split the border patrols today, all of us are tired after last night.” With her free hand, she gave a small flick towards the clearing. “I would never expect you, or the others, to take on a patrol like that when we are all exhausted.” Catori leaned forward and placed her cup down on the nearby water station, meeting Elariel’s eyes to further explain herself. “Your route is sound, however I will be taking another group out just after you.” Upon realising who Elariel had actually chosen, her ears angled back ever so slightly. “If you are rounding up Cornaith and Ivan, then I suppose I will take Clisteoeska and Koa with me. We can start at the coast and meet you all at the peaks before we head back. Hopefully, the Elders will have returned by then.” She finished with a small hum, believing that was a good layout. Only drawback was she had to patrol with Clisteoeska and after the daggers she was throwing last night, Catori almost shivered at the thought. Though, she was soothed by the fact that Koa would be able to accompany them. The only combination worse would be if Cornaith, herself and Cliste were all on a patrol together. Now that was a situation she would have taken an arrow to the chest in order to avoid. As she was talking, her eyes leaned out to take another look towards the clearing, a glimmer of recognition crossing over her face as she spotted Cornaith emerging from the edge of the flattened dirt. The pale hair on his head catching like fire in the early morning light, was there no lighting that didn’t make him appear ethereal? Ghost touches from the previous night clouded her brain for the smallest of second, the sound of his voice beside her ear. Clearing her throat, Catori brought her attention back to Elariel, trying to ignore the pull to look back out towards the other male. “Does that sound manageable to you?” Her hand grasped at the table trying to find her cup, finally clasping around it so that she could raise it and take a mouthful of water to hide her lapse in expression. She had a fleeting moment to collect herself because Cornaith had joined herself and Elariel, piping up in agreement about dividing up the patrols a little more. Catori’s ears flicked backwards ever so slightly as she caught her name from his lips. “Good morning, Cornaith.” She’d return the courtesy, though it was surprising that he did not address her as lieutenant, even if she was technically higher than that now. Pushing away any thoughts of amorous reasonings behind the slip up, Catori shook her head gently. “It is fine,” She glanced up at him momentarily before she rounded back to Elariel. “Does that sound like an adequate plan for today’s partols?” She would always ask the older warrior’s opinion on these matters, after all he held more respect than herself amongst the tribe. If he was in agreement with her, Catori could rest easy knowing members would not be so quick to criticise.
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Elariel Quercus Warrior | Mentions: Ivan, Catori, Cornaith Indirectly: Ivan, Clisteoeska, Koa Elariel turned slightly at Cornaith’s voice, nodding in greeting to the younger warrior. He couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement at how casually Cornaith addressed Catori and him. He raised a brow, noticing the subtle shift in their dynamic, but chose to remain silent. He let the moment pass, as it was not his place to meddle in such matters. As Cornaith and Catori’s remarks sank in, Elariel’s frown deepened, his hand coming up to rub his jaw. His brow furrowed in thought as he replayed the route he had initially suggested. Only now did he realize just how much ground he’d initially planned for them to cover. His mind had been clouded by exhaustion from the previous night’s events, and, in truth, the thought of staying at camp with the apprentices gone unsettled him. The usual noise and bustle of training would be replaced by a quiet that Elariel wasn’t used to. His fingers flexed at his sides, betraying the restlessness that simmered under the surface. Border patrols offered a distraction, a way to keep himself busy and entertained. He hated being idle. He listened intently as Catori laid out the adjusted plan, her practicality calming him somewhat. Splitting the patrols was the logical choice, especially after the events of the previous night that had drained them all. He crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes scanning the clearing as she spoke, though he remained aware of the brief flicker of tension in her gaze when she mentioned Clisteoeska. Elariel, however, didn’t react. He had enough to contend with himself and didn’t want to get involved in whatever strained dynamics were at play between Catori and the other warrior. His eyes met hers as she reached for her cup, and he nodded, agreeing with her plan. "That sounds manageable," he said, his voice steady but lacking its usual energy. “We’ll start in the grove before meeting you at the Peaks.” There was no point in arguing—his earlier suggestion to patrol all day had been driven more by a selfish desire to keep himself moving than by any real need. The truth was, they didn’t even need to head south—the apprentices there were more than capable of handling any potential threats. Straightening, Elariel shifted his attention back to the task at hand. “We’ll head out as soon as Ivan arrives.” He rolled his shoulders, trying to shake off the last of the exhaustion clinging to him, preparing himself for the day ahead.

Ivan Lécuyer || Heir-Lieutenant || M: Alvaerelle, Kethryll'ia, Elariel, Catori, Cornaith, Clisteoeska, Koa Ivan held himself back from entertaining Kethryll'ia's jabs regarding his own love life. If they started an argument now, his brother would miss the trials completely; neither heir was particularly gifted at letting things rest until a later date. They could fight over it once the apprentices all came back, though a selfish part of him hoped that the dragons wouldn't return. If they did, how was he supposed to pull the "I'm bigger than you" card? Ivan banished such thoughts from his mind as Kethryll'ia jogged off, and he allowed himself a moment to watch the rapidly disappearing procession before his attention was drawn elsewhere: his uncle's polite cough caused the young man to turn and face him a little quicker than he'd intended. As soon as he had, Catori's voice called for their focus. Ivan listened quietly, taking note of the woman's words and cadence. While he didn't plan on emulating her exactly, now that he was officially the Lieutenant, it would be wise to copy her authoritative speech. Despite being on the smaller side, Catori could make even the largest warrior sit down, shut up, and listen. When the acting-chief's announcement had concluded and the crowd had returned to idle chatter, the heir turned back to the man beside him. Alvaerelle had approached by then, and he'd be lying if he said her presence didn't give him a thrill, and her question was nothing short of music to his ears. On top of that, Elariel's use of Ivan's new rank brought a tense grin that also held a bit of relief; the seasoned warrior's words made the stares of other, less pleased clan members seem not quite as daunting as they had before. He gave the warrior a grateful nod before turning to Alvaerelle and extending a hand. "It would be my pleasure," he replied. "Everyone's gone to get what sleep they can anyhow." Ivan began an amble along the path that led to Alvaerelle's house. He'd walked it countless times, though his previous trips had usually involved hunting down Samblar. Since his friend's death, this road had become one less traveled, though his feet still knew exactly where to go. In a way, it felt like going home. He inhaled the cooling night air and narrowed his eyes in a relaxed way, like a dozing leopard. He didn't say much; he'd never had the gift of flirtation like so many others seemed to have been blessed with, and he didn't want to lose what miraculous progress he'd already made. As they reached the queen's domain, he stopped by the door and studied her face for a moment. A wandering finger traced its way along her lower lip, pausing at the cool metal that pierced it, before he realized what he was doing and drew his hand away. But he wasn't dead yet, so maybe... He took the chance, faltering slightly before bending down and placing a light, brief kiss on her lips. He was grateful for the cover of night to hide his pinked ears, though the heat radiating from him was likely to burn the whole camp down. Peering into her sharp eyes, he murmured, "Good night, Vae." *** He entered the clearing the next morning frantically tying his longer hair back into its short ponytail -- more of a rabbit's tail, really. Ivan shouldered his bow and sped up his pace to make it to where Catori, Elariel, and the others stood. He was sure the rest would join them shortly, but he was struggling to remember who all Catori had called the previous night. Koa was jogging up looking absolutely disheveled but blissfully unaware of everyone else's observations or feelings. It seemed a bit tense to Ivan; he'd obviously missed something. "Sorry I'm late," he apologized. "Is the first group ready to head out now?"

Sarolta Cimmerian Apprentice | Mentions: Esen, Aelion Indirectly: Syllivanna, Akith’ki, Kethryll’ia Saro watched Akith’ki accept the gift from Kethryll’ia, and it was almost unbearable. The whole interaction was... sweet, almost painfully so. The awkwardness of it all was endearing, truly, but it also made her want to gouge her eyes out. Nausea rolled in her stomach, and her eyes darkened just a bit as she observed the scene unfold before her. Cold amusement flickered in her gaze, a sinister joy mingling with irritation. Forcing a neutral expression, Sarolta nodded, pulling herself back to the present as Esen’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Hunting does sound like a solid plan,” she agreed, her tone gentle but laced with an undertone of calculation. “It’s smart to gather what we can while we’re near the forest. Drying the meat in this heat should work well.” However, her brow furrowed slightly with concern. “But we have to be careful about how much energy we expend,” she added, casting a wary glance around at the group. “We just partied all night, and while hunting is important, we shouldn’t push ourselves too hard. Maybe we can keep it brief—just enough to gather what we need.” They’d be dead before the trial even started if they overexert themselves. At the mention of the second shift, Sarolta tilted her head, considering Esen’s words. “That’s a good point,” she replied thoughtfully, a hint of strategizing underlying her tone. “Even with hunting now, it may be helpful.” She observed the quiet way Esen ducked her head, engrossed in the map, tracing their path. She glanced at the direction Esen referenced, her thoughts churning. Sarolta didn’t comment on the pull Esen felt—such instincts were not part of their teachings, but she didn’t want to sow any doubt in her cousin's head. "That way we go then." She turned to the rest of the group, catching the tail-end of Aelion and Syllivanna’s conversation. While they went to find more of those flowers, the rest could hunt. She watched as Aelion led Syllivanna to where he found the flowers, though she didn’t miss his comment. Sarolta’s jaw tightened as his words reached her, and a wry smirk tugged at her lips but her eyes narrowed with a touch of disdain. She raised an eyebrow, brushing off a dry patch of mud from her arm with exaggerated delicacy. “Oh, don’t worry about my complexion, Aelion,” she replied, her tone sharp as a blade. Her eyes scanned over him with open disdain. “Maybe,” she paused, her tone dripping with mock sweetness, “You should keep the mud on permanently too. I’m sure it’ll help hide whatever you’re lacking underneath.” With that, she stepped back, her eyes scanning the rest of the group, taking note of their supplies and attire. “Let’s gather what we need, but don’t weigh yourselves down. We should head out soon; it’s still early enough for us to make progress without overheating.” Her voice was steady and calm, as she glanced at the warming skies.

Mentions: Elariel & Ivan (Dir)
Elariel’s raised brow did not go unnoticed as the male caught the slight intrigue that managed to etch itself across the older warrior's face at his informal greeting. Cornaith would make his way around the pair and extend a muscular arm towards the table getting his own fill of refreshment as they came to the decision to split the initial route that had been discussed. At the mention of Cliste joining Catori for their patrol he’d make a slightly wary glance towards the stand-in chief. With Koa present hopefully it wouldn’t become a blood bath between the two seeing as how he never got the chance to speak with Cliste the night prior. His attention would shift as he began to fill up a second cup of water for the morning, Naith would dip his skull at the order of their departure upon Ivan’s arrival. “Sounds good, Elariel.” He’d chirp. Cornaith wore a very bored looking expression across his mask, though most would probably consider it his more day to day expression. Admittedly, sleep still lingered modestly over the male. His pale pools would shift from the pair before him to the empty clearing beside the trio. His ears flicked at the sound of fast paced footsteps quickly approaching and turned around to find a disheveled Ivan. He’d begin grinning and nearly spat out whatever water he had in his mouth, were it not for the males invitation to begin their patrol. Gulping down whatever remnants of water remained in his cup, Cornaith would set the empty cup to the side and dip his skull in approval. “Ready when you are.” He’d add, grin still plastered across his lips.

Alvaerelle Wynzorwyn Queen Mentions: Ivan (Dir) Elariel, Cyrus, Catori, Cornaith (Ind)
“Lieutenant, make sure Alvaerelle gets home safely.” Elariel’s words danced between the pair as she awaited Ivan's response toward her invitation. Though by the sound of it her invitation seemingly grew into an order by Ivan’s second father which drew a small smile across her facial features at the thought of the older warriors nudge at pairing them together as if the night had done so enough. “It would be my pleasure, Everyone's gone to get what sleep they can anyhow.” Upon the gesture of offering his hand to her she would allow her own soft dainty fingers to wrap around his larger calloused one. A slight blush would stain her cheeks at his chivalry as he’d now lead her back home. She knew it was a path he was all too familiar with recollecting memories of peering out from the kitchen window to find Ivan marching up and calling for Samblar or finding Ivan bounding his way up the front steps of the front porch comfortably sat upon a porch swing sipping a refreshing cup of lemonade. As he ensured she was within the warmth and safety of her humble abode the door between them kept open as if in invitation, the pair shared a moment peering at one another. Their friendship was one that required very little words to be exchanged, and for the words that were, it was either built upon teasing, taunting, or of advice. As he raised a single finger to trace her lower lip, idly brushing against the piercing that sat at its center, before quickly pulling itself away. At the abrupt fracture of contact being broken before her she’d reach her own hand to grace his chest as if to say ‘stay’. Her gaze would soften as if fully aware of the endless possibilities of what could happen next, and surely one of the many that slid through her mind became reality. As his warm soft lips met hers she savored the brief moment as if it’d never end between them, her eyes blinking closed before fluttering open and melting into his cool steely pools. “Goodnight Vae.” “Goodnight Ivan.” She would purr in return. She was lit aflame all over again in a manner starkly and wholly different from the heat she felt with Cyrus. Ivan was a man with a heart of gold one she grew up with familiarity. Cyrus, on the other hand, she had yet to find out enough about the male to make an adequate comparison. She disliked his greed and ever loving hunger for power but knew the male to be strong though overly temperamental as evidenced by her flesh wound however he was honorable in apologizing to her so that would appear to be another box to be unraveled. :•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•: As morning began to approach the sun would begin to glint and shine through her bedroom window pelting the queen with its warmth. Through squinting eyes she’d roll over, reaching her across an empty half of the bed. She couldn’t possibly fathom why she believed it to have been occupied and frowned softly. At the endless movements rising from her uterus followed by the grumbling of her stomach a meal in the comfort of her home would be in order, though she should see Ivan off before the morning patrol. Dressing quickly she’d take an apple or two and waddle off. Perhaps she’d go pester one of the gatherers to slip her something while she helped clean up following the ceremony from last night. She would quickly spot a hurried and disheveled Ivan joining Catori, Elariel, and Cornaith. Grinning at the show before her she presumed he must have been running a bit late. She couldn’t say she was very surprised though never took him for one to be the last one present to go on patrol. She’d take a swift bite of her apple emitting a satisfied crunch with its juices dribbling down her lower lip momentarily afterward. A brief memory of Ivan’s lips against hers last night caused all sort of butterflies to flutter about, or was it the excited movement of her children, whose to say. She’d shift her gaze and claim a seat on a tree stump awaiting for a few others to join before beginning to clean up whatever mess lingered about.

Catori Thirle | Stand-In Chief | Mentions: Ivan, Koa(Dir.) Elariel, Cornaith, Clisteoeska, Cyrus (Indir.) Her eyes carried past where the older warriors stood before her, feeling Cornaith’s form lean to fetch himself a cup of water from the table beside her, she caught sight of Ivan making his way towards them. Then Koa’s form popping out from the edges of the clearing, following after the new lieutenant with just as much frantic jogging as each other. It was a rather amusing sight, him trying to shove his bow up onto his shoulders correctly as he arrived. “Good morning.” Catori mused, a smile lifting to her lips. She could forgive him this morning for arriving late, it was an eventful evening beforehand and many of the tribe members would be bleary eyed for the majority of the day. Ivan could have today to make his mistakes and adjust. “Your group is ready, Ivan.” Her hand lifted to gesture to where Elariel and Cornaith stood beside her. “I shall be meeting you at the peaks just after midday, along with-” Catori jerked her head up briefly and looked back towards Koa as he made his way over. “Ah! Along with Koa,” She raised a hand and gestured to where the warrior was jogging over. “And Clitseoeska when she makes an appearance.” Catori kept her voice steady, ensuring whatever tone she spoke with was respectful enough towards both the older warriors. After their little stare down the previous night, Catori was not up for causing more trouble between them. As the other group began to mingle and set out departing, Catori leaned herself away from them. Casting the briefest glance over her shoulder towards Cornaith’s form before she rounded her attention to Koa. Plastering a smile across her lips, she took a few steps to meet him in the clearing. “You’re running a bit late, Koa.” She teased him, taking a moment to note the attire he had arrived in, deeming it appropriate enough for their current plan of patrol. “We’re meeting them at the peaks, once we gather up Clisteoeska, we can head out as well.” Catori dusted her hands on the front of the leather corset, flicking some flecks of dust from the stitching. The sun was only rising higher into the sky and she had yet to see a glance of Clisteoeska since the previous night. Perhaps she had decided not to attend at all, maybe out of spite or pure insubordination, either could be a likely reason for her lack of presence. She could afford a little more time before they needed to leave, but just standing there like a pair of dumbfounded rabbits did not feel pleasing to her. If she did not appear soon, she would have to drag another warrior along and at this rate it was looking like it would be Cyrus. Instead, she turned back to Koa, her eyes dilating as they were shielded from the bright morning sun. “Have you eaten yet? We should at least have something before we head out, or bundle something up to take with us. Don’t you think?” Catori’s voice was smooth, all the notes a caring leadership presence should hold around her group. However, it was still unrefined. It paled in comparison to their previous chief’s cadence and grandeur. She simply lacked the showmanship of the chieftess, it was far too…flashy for her tastes anyway. Edited at January 9, 2025 07:04 AM by Urux
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Cyrus Terosh | Warrior | Mentions: Catori, Cornaith, Ivan, Elariel, Koa (Indir.) Sarolta, Akith’ki (Indir.) Alvaerelle (Dir.) He had not done much out of the ordinary the previous night, although it had been quiet without his son in the home. Not that the pair spoke that frequently behind closed doors, but there was a notable lack of footsteps and sounds of other life. Cyrus had taken it upon himself the following morning to take his sweet time in waking up, wandering around his home without much aim. He had not been sent on a patrol for the day, he felt rather free. His breakfast consisted of a collection of berries and bread. Not exactly meant to fuel him, but the older warrior hoped that the gatherers had some dried meat for him to steal away. To find that out, he would need to venture out into the main clearing. Which also meant seeing the people he had ticked off the previous night, not unusual considering his disposition. The walk was short and sweet, his long legs taking him to the meeting place quickly. In the centre was a small cluster of familiar faces, preparing themselves to head out on their morning patrols. He did not miss the part where Ivan scrambled his way up to the group flustered and obviously late. The tiniest smirk lifted to his lips, he expected something like that to happen. It was simply satisfying that it had happened so soon. He skirted the edges of the clearing, staying well away from the other warriors. In particular, he wanted to avoid Elariel and the inevitable scolding look he would receive for his behaviour last night. On that topic, Akith’ki should be at the first trial by now. If all things had gone according to plan then he would be setting off into the sun-baked expanse, he hoped at the head of the group but it was more likely he was stuck to Sarolta’s side. As he made his way around the clearing, Cyrus’s eyes landed upon the lovely figure of Alvaerelle. Sitting on her own with an apple held between her fingers, her eyes trained upon the gathered group of warriors. His steps faulted and paused briefly, deciding what he was going to do next. He could avoid her completely, but he found himself not wanting to. Even if it ended up with him getting his ears torn to shreds. Carefully, Cyrus began his approach, he knew she would hear him coming but still he made his footfalls a little heavier. Once close enough, his brows inched together minutely, his throat clearing. Cyrus’s ears had angled backwards, keeping his gaze averted from her as she looked at him, instead looking off to the side. He felt a little ridiculous, but even he wasn’t fool enough to underestimate her fiery temper. “Good morning, Alvaerelle.” His voice was gruff with remnants of sleep, he hadn’t spoken since waking yet and it was obvious in his tone. “I trust you slept well.” He tried to keep his words on pleasantries to gain a feel for the current situation between them. He wasn’t sure if it would end up with his head being bitten off or her smiling, even something in between he would be happy with. Edited at November 17, 2024 01:54 AM by Urux
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Koa Revin || Warrior || M: Patrollers, Alvaerelle, Cyrus (Ind) The last few hours had been sleepless ones. He'd gone home, but his mind never ceased to race, coming up with a plethora of scenarios in which one -- or all -- of his nieces was in danger. Or, well, more danger than the usual trials offered. Koa's own near-death experience was coming back to haunt him for the first time in decades as his family members' lives were once more on the line. Thus, as he frantically staggered out into the light of morning, his eyes were red and framed by dark circles, and he was even more disoriented than Ivan. One limp arm flailed in a tired, half-hearted greeting to the fellow warriors. A soft humph left his throat at the sight of Alvaerelle watching Ivan. Cyrus was approaching her from the rear, too. Had he missed something? Koa crossed his arms and allowed his worry and crankiness to shift towards his younger half-sibling. He may have been deprived of big brother duty in their younger years, but it was never too late to start. Ivan was pointedly avoiding the older warrior's gaze; Koa, however, said nothing. Things of this nature could wait until after the patrols were over. With a dubious look to Vae that conveyed a message of, "I hope you slept," Koa then turned his attention to Catori. "Sorry I'm late. I look dead. Don't mention it. Where are we off to?" Despite his preoccupations, Koa grinned, though the sleep-deprived appearance made his scars look all the more gruesome. Oh, how he wished he'd caught Sarolta before she'd left. While it surely wouldn't have done much for her morale, it would've helped him. A selfish thought, but that's how it was. There was no sneaking after them now. Koa shouldered his bow and released a soft sigh. The sinew in his arm tensed and his knuckles whitened around the quiver strap. He itches to make himself useful and postpone his ridiculous fears. Perhaps he'd go hunting after the warriors made their rounds; such activities required him to shut his brain up and focus on the now, and they was what he needed. First thing's first -- patrol.

Syllivanna Zylqirelle Apprentice Mentions: Esen, Sarolta, Other Apprentices (Ind) Aelion (Dir)
“We could hunt while we're still by the forest. The meat would dry fairly quickly out here, and we could use any skins to make shades to sleep under. Um... if you guys want." Eden was brilliant for making such a suggestion. She’d smile towards her cousin giving her an encouraging look as if to say, ’don’t be shy to speak your mind.’ Even mentioning the second shift was wise on her part, granted she knew she had referenced pretty much the entire cohort of apprentices that had managed to achieve the shift. Herself and Esen excluded. She wasn’t sure if they were the only two or if there are a few others that hadn’t undergone the shift either but in any case excellent suggestions were being thrown about and a finalized plan. “Esen, What does the map say about the area beyond those trees? Are there any landmarks we should be looking for?" Syllivanna warily observed Sarolta, a mask of utter indifference plastered upon her face. What else could she possibly be probing for specifically past the trees in the distance? Did she know something the rest did not about that area? Yes it could offer shade but could it also be a trap? Landmarks were a wise and worthwhile thing to ask about however, she’d remain to keep her unease to herself. Her distrust or wariness of Sarolta had stemmed early on in their youth, while not directly related she had known Sarolta for as long as she had known Esen for. She wasn’t quite sure what the female made of herself but had managed to avoid conflict for this long, it would be best to keep it that way. She was well aware of Sarolta’s stance on the clan’s Elders, the selection process for Royal succession and leadership, and the Trials themselves. ”Oh -- yes... There are a few plateaus scattered about that we could use for cover along the way. And there's a volcano that I think I feel pulled toward. There's a series of steam vents as we get closer to that. I think it's the right area, anyway." A pull. Syl would raise a brow towards her cousin, could this be her trial. The one that would bring her shift and ultimately bring her dragon back? Would that make her a Fire Dragon? Questions that were above her own education swirled about in her mind. Perhaps, that was why the Elders had given her the map first. How could they possibly have known? Is that even an appropriate question. The lot spoke in nothing but riddles and rhymes, granted if listened to close enough and repeated perhaps their riddles could be solved. ↠↠↠ "I’ll show you.” Syllivanna‘s attention shifted upon Aelion once more and she had managed to pick up on his body’s slight apprehension of returning to where he initially found the calendula. Perhaps what she had so far, could have served as enough, though highly unlikely. If what held him back was the idea of splitting up to gather last minute items before moving onward Syl could understand it but also trusted the other apprentices to find their way back to the group. As his gaze shifted to the small hand-sized woven basket nestled within her hands, she would smile towards his compliment following his curious inspection of the salve. “What would we do without you.” She didn’t let the words linger for too long but surely wouldn’t have been able to create the concoction without his aid. Upon his motioning for her to follow after him she’d close the small basket and tie it around her waist, allowing it to dangle at her hips and sway with her movements. She followed behind him intently, silent on her feet and cautiously to ensure she would not get snagged by anything that could slow her down or cause her harm early on into the trials. She did allow herself to glance about checking the environment for any other useful herbs or flowers to bring along though couldn’t truly identify any of particular use for this trial. For a desert-like climate cacti would be useful to store water in and grab water from and use as a unique form of weaponry given their spines. Some cacti even produced fruit which could also be useful if prey items were scant. Whilst following Aelion her mind continued to wander on other potential herbs or flowers that could be of use. Perhaps it would be good to have a flower that could stop bleeds if anyone were to get injured, Aspilia Africana was one she knew of that was indigenous to their territory. They looks similar to calendula however are a vibrant yellow in coloration versus the more golden orange seen with calendula. Perhaps she could find some near the calendula. At the offer of his hand to help her over a fallen tree, Syl had gladly taken the extra assistance. Being on the smaller side of height it did have its disadvantages though its advantages generally far outweighed its pitfalls. "It should be just up ahead if I'm remembering correctly.." She followed his scanning pools and spotted the same outline of the plant not too far off. His excitement in finding the calendula again brought a warm smile to her face once more before momentarily fading as she attempted to scan around the plant for neighboring yellow flowers similar to daisies in appearance. “How much more do you think we'll need?” “I’d say maybe two armfuls. I can fit maybe a handful in this little basket but the more we can carry and take with us the better. We won’t know how long we’ll be in the flats for and I’d rather us be slightly over-stocked than under.” She’d state gently, plucking the flowers gently and rubbing the plant to allow it to drop any seeds and replant itself. Certain flowering plants would self-sow allowing the plants to return time and time again. Chamomile was one she knew of very well and much enjoyed tending to. Anytime the plant had the slightest inkling that it would be approaching its death it would drop its seeds upon the earth's surface and regrow a new, better and stronger. “Keep your eyes peeled for a yellow daisy-like flower. It’s called Aspilia Africana, it has superb wound healing properties and can stop any sort of bleeding and support wound healing. It’s okay if we don’t find any, aloe can also help with wound healing I don’t believe it is as useful with stopping bleeds though.” She’d remark picking her calendula flowers carefully as not to take too many from the plant. Having filled at least one arm full of flowers she’d make her way around the plant and glanced behind to see if she could find any inkling of the Aspilia. She would squint at the slightest hint of yellow a little ways away from the calendula. She would bring herself down to the ground wary of the skirt she wore and gazed at the flower closely. Her pale bicolored pools would shift and spot a decent collection of flowers and a grin would spill upon her face. Perhaps she could make her finds into loosely wrapped flower crowns for easier travel and make sure to carry the Aspilia by hand. “I found the Aspilia Aelion!” She’d nearly squeal back. She would drop her armful of calendula beside her and begin carefully plucking the Aspilia next. “I’ll just gather some of these and then we can weave the calendula into crowns and carry whatever Aspilia we have back.”