
. .Hera. . M: Daniel Hera gave Daniel a soft smile of pleasure, she appreciated the small gift he had given her. Daniel was a respectful young dragon, and Hera personally liked him. "Yes, I do believe the thyme supply is running low," she paused, "and I personally am out of lavender." Hera nodded, believing that was all they needed, "oh wait!" She stuck her claw out like Daniel was about to fly off, "I would gather some Lemon Balm as well, lots of headaches around this time of year." She sighed drastically, "That is all I have for now."

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+ Sharp + "will do!" they said to sostice before flying off towards the river. they flew around scouting possible prey. There were deer here, a couple of times they shot fire at them. He managed to kill about 5 before he went to try and meet up with Sostice again. + King + The day was boring so far as not much was going on, he saw that Daniel went to go see Hera. He only huffed at the thought. He didn't like the old Dragoness, after all she rejected her Herm grandson and the only dragon that carries her bloodline. He was glad he got the chance to adopt Sharp though, Sharp acted more male-like when he was younger and they went by He/him then, so they were like a son to King back then.