
Yeketerina Swing Dog | 5 | Tundra Paws | Mentions: Ash & Hailstorm A female lay by herself at the edge of the barn, content in her little corner as she watched her teammates interact. The dame didn't know have she would deal with these dogs - after all , most were young enough to be her own pups, and then again, it also meant they were rather green when it came to the scene of racing. She heaved an exhausted sigh as she rose to her paws, they stung a bit and she looked at them. Hmm, it seems old cuts in her pads were acting up again, hopefully their musher would see this and let her wear her booties for this race. It would provide more comfort and be less of a risk for her to injure her pads again and be out for a while due to them. She pushed herself to walk but the cold wasn't helping the stinging in her pads - sure, she could handle it but for how long is the question. The dame had had worse injuries than measly paw pad cuts , she'd manage. She was rather quiet as she observed her teammates get exited about the race. She just hopes the hooligans didn't stay up too late and get some rest. She noted that the musher were giving them special attention and most likely some orders to rest even if she couldn't understand the lady musher. She saw Ash going to do a once over of the pen, and she appreciated him for that. That was nice, couldn't have the other team's sabotage them, now could we. She moved to go check herself after seeing that Ash was probably gonna be checked out soon. And she noticed her fellow Swing Dog, Hailstorm asking him if he was alright. She gave a deadpanned expression, " He would be if you'd let him get some rest, and you should be resting too. We have a big day in the morning and we can't have anyone not being well-rested. Questions can wait until the morning. And plus, it's getting quite late." She said chiding the male, and she gave a small hum, and swish of her tail. Letting her words sink in, hoping the later would get the memo. And she looked at the outside herself and she didn't see anything odd either, and so she decided to get back to her sleep . The female making her way back to the corner of the barn she was sleeping in, and she pulled more hay together to make a nice and large lump for her fo lay on - once that was achieved, she gingerly climbed the mound and gave a small dainty circle and her tail daintily dropped over her nose. And she began to close her pale eyes, slowing drifting to sleep to the sounds of snow and the promise of a victory in the race. Why she could practically taste it, her team was going to win, she was quite sure of it.

Ash | M | Team | Tundra's Paw | M: Hailstorm, Yeketerina Ash had settled down again when Hailstorm came over to check on him. He smiled up at his friend before sitting up, "Yeah I'm doing alright. Kind of hyper and excited for the race tomorrow but also don't want any of the other teams trying to sabotage us." Ash said with a sheepish smile before Katya came over to tell them mainly to go to sleep. Ash nodded over at the female before winking to Hailstorm, "It is getting late. I think we can be excited tomorrow morning."
Ash got up only to trod in a circle a few times until he had a nice hole in the hay. Laying down in a ball, he nestled his nose under his tail. His ears would flick every once in a while to show he was still awake but as soon as everyone started to go to sleep, his eyes drifted close, his dreams of racing through the snow settling in his mind.
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Naara | Swing | Frozen Roots
Naara had found a spot to rest and settled down to do just that. She was anxious for the race ahead, and did not particularly feel like socializing at the moment. Naara didn't even say hello to the musher when he checked on everyone.
Instead, Naara decided to go to sleep early. She would need all the extra energy she could get, after all. She found an open spot in the hay and stretched before curling up in a ball. Naara exhaled deeply and closed her eyes, hoping that all would go well.

Arthur | Team | Tundra's Paw
Arthur blinked open his eyes a few times, before laying his head back down. He knew he'd need all his strength for the race. So he, closed his eyes again.

Paylor | F | 4 | Tundra's Paws Team Paylor was laying in a shadowy corner of the barn, head on her paws but not really sleeping. Her eyes were open as she watched the rest of the team in their various states of wake and sleep. Excitement was coursing through her veins and she was almost shaking with the prospect of the race tomorrow. She was too wired to sleep at that moment, mind running over the possibilities of what could take place. Edited at April 25, 2023 09:14 PM by Venus Hill

Laika was just waking up from her nap when she heard her sister Eos growl at Azar her brother, she thought oh what is it now. She got up and went over and saw Eos lying with Eska her other sister and decided to join them and snuggled up against Eos and Eska and hopefully waired for Felix to pet her special spot on the back of her neck. She thumped her tail on the ground a couple times to invite Azar over.

( Are we still doing this or no?)

(Hey sorry guys, I have been quite busy and such through work and all. If you guys would like to we can skip to day which is when the race starts. Apologies for waiting so long to move forward. I may be a bit absent for a little while to let myself breathe from the stuff I am working on, then I will try to reply but, until then feel free to skip to day. Any questions you may have about moving forward may be asked in discussion or mail me, I will still be answering questions and watching over it to give warnings/kick people.)

(sorry guys I totally forgot about this! got so busy with life ahh) - Hailstorm | Swing Dog | Tundra's Paws - Hailstorm sighed and turned to Yeketerina, his fellow swing dog. She was, like always, calm, collected, and confident. He wanted to roll his eyes in exasperation at her words, but he knew she was right. So, he simply just gave a small chuckle and trotted over to his sleeping spot, a small little niche in the barn where he could curl up. Hailstorm believed in his own abilities as a swing dog, and he knew he would try to do his best tomorrow. He was just concerned for some of his other team members, some of which he knew were relatively new and not as experienced. There were lots of dangers on the trail, and Hailstorm was starting to worry himself sick. Remembering Yeketerina's words, he shook his head and took a deep breath. No, we're going to be fine, he thought. We're going to win. We have to win. With that, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Naara | Swing | Frozen Roots
Naara had always been an early riser, and today was no exception. The sun had not even begun to tint the sky with color when she blinked her eyes open. Seeing that none of her teammates were awake yet, Naara considered going back to sleep. But the butterflies in her stomach for the race ahead ruled that out. So instead Naara got up and stretched, trying to be as quiet as possible. She carefully padded towards the bucket of water and began to lap it up. The splashes of the water were louder than Naara expected, and she realized her attempt at not waking up any teammates would likely have failed.