
River . +She looked at the two with a tilt of her head before she looks back at the female+ "Dylan says he has to protect Jacob...idk why" +She says before he jumps on the other softly rolling onto her back she smiles happily+ "Iam compfy"

Marbel's mouth opened in a silent of surprise as the littler dog pushed her onto her back. She sighed and flopped her limbs uselessly, even though she could easily shove the younger dog off.

River . +She giggles before he gets off the other female laying back down on the snow her head held high with proud. She locks her eyes with the others her tail still swaying happily+ . . . Jake . +With only a few minutes passing the smaller dog opens his eyes softly before he looks around his surrounding before he realises where he was and sighs in relief+ "Best few minutes sleep of my life so far"

Marbel panted happily. She could've easily beaten the younger wolf, but that would've been no fun for poor River.

Mukluk grunted in reply, rasing his head and opening his eyes. He stood, but snow hardened into ice slipped him, and he fell onto Jake. His large nose bumped Jake's.

Yukon Yukon watched as her friend ran around the enclosure. After she was done she went over to her. Good job Ava! I think that was you best lap yet she said smiling

(quick question, what's happening? XD)

(Mukluk and Jake just got up from snuggling, and Marbel and River are hanging out together)


Alex Alex smiled as her sister played with her friend, river. Dylan Dylan was a bit upset when he saw Jake snuggling with the other male. She stretched and yawned then went over to his friend and the other male. It took all of his strength to not attack the other make. He cleared his throat as he looked down at them with anger in his eyes.