
Haven winced and looked at her uncle "you might have to decide soon, apperently his pack wants to speak with you" she said and glanced at her father who huffed "you have a link with this wolf?" he questioned and she shrugged. He uncles eyes were still narrowed and he sighed "then tell him to come to the pack and we will discuss this together with his pack as well" he said and she nodded. "Alex my uncle would like you to come here and well so we can have a meeting with both packs." she said and waited.

Alex said "Umm it might storm over here but I'm pretty close so I should make it." Alex walked out of the burrow and headed towards the void pack territory at a run. He finally reached the place and said "I'm here though I'm still in Wolf form." Alex was under the porch when it started to pour and he got lucky. He stared at the door sat and waited.

Haven sighed and glanced at Will "he is outside can you let him in please" she asked. Will narrowed his eyes and huffed before getting up going to his room first her then headed out and opoened the front door "here" he said tossing a dry pair of shorts and a t-shirt on the porce "you looked like a drowned cub" he told him.

Alex looked at him then shifted and changed. He said "Wow i wonder why." Alex sighed and said "Thanks." He looked around here and said in a shaking tone "Can i come in before my pack get here please." Alex said to Haven "Umm does your cousin not like me?" He looked at Will while he was standing there.

Haven nudged him gently "He will be fine, just dont act weak around him even if you dont want to be an alpha you still have alpha blood" she told him then narrowed her eyes at her cousin. "Come on we will wait in the meeting room and you can meet my Uncle and father, Will will bring your pack in when they get here" she said and started walking through the house.

Alex said "Alright." Though this was the link they had. Alex walked in and looked around it was pretty nice in the house. He said "Where are we going?" He kept his voice even and as he wondered about when his pack would arrive. Alex thought Hopefully i can either stay here or on neutral territory.

Haven opened the door to the meeting room and noddedher head to her uncle and and father. "Alpha, Beta this is Alex" she said and looked at them. Her uncle watched him "Why do you wish to lave your pack Alex" he asked getting straight to the point. Will linked them then "His pack is almost here I can smell them" he said.

Alex looked at the alpha and was trying to figure out what to say. Then he thought I should get straight to the point. He said "I never wanted to be alpha of my pack but i didn't get a chocie." He said "Well the whole thing with my pack and father is i should be perfect and on top of everything...They don't understand that everyone makes mistakes." He then said "Yeah sure there are perks to being an Alpha's son but there are more bad things than perks in my pack. They for one thing that any partner i have should be female not even caring for my perfernce....I just don't want to be in a pack like that." Edited at April 13, 2022 12:21 PM by Nikki Afton

Havens uncle slowly nodded his head "You understand that your father might not be happy about this correct" he told him and Haven sighed. Just then Will opened the door and Alexs pack followed him in. Tensing Haven watched the other pack and narrowed her eyes slightly, Will sat down next to her.

Alex saw his pack come in and replied to Haven's uncle "Yes I understand." Alex walked to the side of the room and leaned on the wall. He figured that it would be better then standing near the door way. Alex didn't like the fact that his pack was already here. He opened a link with Haven and said "I don't like how fast they got here.." .