
Jake +His tail slowly goes inbetween his legs as his ears flatten more on top of his head as the two surround him. He didn't like crowds especially if it was of wolves he hasn't met before. He hides a whimper coming out of his throat as he looks down towards the ground once again, his shoulders start to shake but of course he still tries to hide his fear+ "Lets hope the others arrive quickly..." . . . . River "What's up with him" +She asked the other female beside her as she tilts her head at the males behaviour her tail still swaying happily behind her. She steps closer to the male sniffing in his scent to have a better understanding of the male before her ears perk suddenly as his tail tucks+ Edited at March 26, 2022 06:43 PM by Free-Claw12

Alex Alex shrugged as the female asked what was wrong with him. I dont know she said as the female sniffed the male, but im Alex by the way. She then looked at a male who came up to them. Hi she said happily.

Dylan Hi he said. He then looked at his friend. Hey, guys leave him alone he said as he pushed the females away. He growled a bit as he was inbetween the females and his friend. Edited at March 26, 2022 06:47 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Jake . "+He looks up at the familuor voice of his childhoods friends his tail slowly untucking as he watches the feamles be pushes away his ears stand up+ "T-Thank you Dylan" +He says giving him a small luck on the top of his shoulder before he watches the two females with a careful eye+ . . . River . "But why what's wrong with him...is he hurt" +She asked with a gasp trying to walk towards the small male once again ignoring the males growl from before trying to sniff the male again+

Dylan Dlyan growled as he warned the female but she didnt listen so he nipped at her shoulder. Stay away he said as his growl got louder. He then said, he fine he just, get overwelmed easily so stay away and he will be fine. Alex Alex growled a bit but stayed where she was as the female tryed to get closer. Her eyes widened as she got nipped. (i have to go but ill be on later!) Edited at March 26, 2022 06:54 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Luna Mentions: Other dogs, Musher, Open A young female would enter the large cage, looking around as the German Shepherd wolf mix would take notice of the other dogs but goes to the other side of the cage before laying down, resting her head down on her front paws while her tail curls around her a bit. Luna doesn't seem bothered by the cold nor the snow as her ears twitch a bit, listening to everything that's going on. She has the coloring and size of a German Shepherd but she would share some wolf features like her paws for example. The female let out a small huff, feeling a bit happy to have some space to herself since she still felt a bit on edge from her last owner. She would be trying her best to settle in nicely to the new environment while feeling quite relieved that she doesn't have to fight other dogs anymore since that old life would be in the past now...she'll have to focus on this new life in front of her.

River . +River widen her eyes at the nip before he tail tucks as she finally listens to the male and begins to walk away her attention quickly catching sight of the new female that joined the cage. Walking over she lefts out a quite bark+ "Hi there new comer" +She says with a smile+ . . . Jake . +Watching the female walk away he signs happily before he rests his head on his paws gently wrapping his tail back around his left back leg his eyes staying open as he watches the gate once agaian to know who will join them next.

Luna Mentions: River, Other Dogs, Open Luna raised her head off her front paws, turning to her right to look at the other female that approached her. "Um, Hello.." She'd politely answered, looking at the other three dogs before looking back at the female in front of her, not really use to interacting with other dogs on friendly terms....another new thing that the German Shepherd Wolf hybrid probably has to get use to. "I'm guessing your here for the sled dog thing as well?" Luna curiously asked, sitting herself up to a sit to appropriately look River in the eyes while being respectful in return.

River . +She smiles once again before she nods her head locking eyes with the other female. Her ears perked to hear the other more clearly her tail still swaying+ "Looks like females will rule this team" +She tries to joke with a soft giggle escaping her. Before she looks up at birds passing by+

Dylan Dylan smearked triuphm and then looked at the other female. Now get out of here he growled again. Alex Alex growled a bit as she turned away, he annoying she thought as she went over to the females. Hi, she said once she got there. Are you ok she asked looking over at the female who had gotten nipped.