

Haven yawned as she climbed out of her bed early in the morning. Grabbing her phone off her nightstand she groaned as she saw the date. Today was the the first day of college classes for the Shadowed Void pack's young adult members. Haven headed to the bathroom to shower and once she was done she dressed in ripped up black skinny jeans, a red and black flannel with black boots before heading downstairs where the rest of the pack was mingling about for breakfast. At breakfast Alpha Smith and her father the Beta warned them again that they would be sharing the college campus with another pack and to stay out of trouble. Haven rolled her eyes at this information because to her trouble was her middle name.

Alex woke up and got out of bed. He dressed in a red t-shirt and navy blue rip jeans. He throw on a pair of black shoes and walked out his bedroom door. His mother and father told him not to cause trouble since he would be in a college with another pack. He sighed amd told them okay. When he finally reached the college he looked around. It was a nice college and bulit great. He wondered who the other pack was.

Haven and her cousin the future alpha of the pack Will pulled up to the college and she jumped down from his truck. Sniffing the air she caught the scent of her fellow pack mates and then the scent of the other pack Nikki Afton(don't know if thats what you want it to be or not). Her eyes narrowed and she glanced up at her couisn who had close to the same expresion on his face. "Its not like we have a choice H just remeber what our dads said and stay outta trouble alright." He told her before walking off. Haven huffed "yeah whatever but if they start something, ill be there to finish it" walking towards where her first class was she watched her surroundings.

(Just Afton for the pack^^) Alex sniffed around but ingored the scent if the other pack. He wanted to stay out of trouble though he didn't like the idea he would. He remembered what happened between the packs though not as clearly as he should. He walked to his class the teacher told him that he would be sitting next to the Beta's daughter of a different pack. He sighed and thought When im trying to stay out of trouble it just comes and finds me. Alex walked over to the seat and sat down while he waited for class to start. The bell finally rang but he didn't notice.

Haven walked into the class just as the bell rang, glancing at the teacher she watched as he pointed to an open seat remebering she was to sit next to the Aftons packs soon to be alpha. Snorting she took her seat and leaned back into her chair as she waited for the class to begin. For now she would listen and play nice but for ages that pack had been their rivals ever since the past alpha stole some of their land and challanged her grandfather. Luckly her granfather and beaten him but was to weak to fight for the land back.

Alex sighed looked at the girl it was the Shadowed Void Pack (Unsure if you want something different). He thought Now i know why my father said play nice. Alex wasn't into that much so he said "Wow who do we have here." He turned to face her and then said "Im Alex your majesty!" He heard the class giggle most of the where from many different packs. He said "How may i serve you!" Again the class laughed and he had sacarsiam in his voice. He kept out of range so he wasn't hit but he was teasing her like he would any other that isn't from his pack.

(Void pack is fine) Haven clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes, she knew he was trying to get under her skin and there was nothing that she hated more. "Sorry Will" she said mindlinking her cousin. Turning to face him she flicked her hair behind her shoulders and smirked holding back some of her temper " Well if you're calling me majesty and you're making the class laugh then you must be a jester. So go ahead little monkey make me laugh" she said crossing her arms and watching him.

Alex growled and said "Aright Missy if your so smart meet me behind the college at lunch oh and don't ego crying to your mom when you lose!" He then looked forward and then back at her. He said " By the way the name is Alex your highness~." Alex looked back at the class and then to the teacher. He heard the teacher tell both of them Detention he sighed. Alex got up and walked out of the class.

Haven growled and sood up following him out of the class room she shouldered past him making her way towards the detention office. "Can't believe you can still get detention in college" she mumbled her father was not going to be happy with her. Glancing back she huffed "The name is Haven and next time you tell someone not to go crying to their mom make sure they actualy have a mom to go crying to" she snarled before changing direction and heading outta the school completly "Will im ditching and going for a run ill meet you back at the pack house" she said and heard his reply before blocking her link and heading towards the woods.