Broken Screams You turn around cautiously. Behind you is a goat? But the hooves are slightly curved downwards and what seems like wings rest against his side. It's a Goatling! You can: try to tame it without an item tame it with an item leave it alone
Arachne Jotting that down... You can: continue swimming return to shore
Broken Rivers Kyland and Lyrix gather around you. They seem alert, as if the Wolfling Za may be near. Kyland decides to give you a mini-history lesson. He tells you about how, after the dragons had gone, some of the Dragonlings had formed their own kingdoms after the Dragonling Council disbanded. That quickly shut down, Kyland explained. Not everyone liked commanding and being commanded. Too many disagreements. Kyland pauses, as if he wonders if he went on too long. You can: continue to talk to the dragonlings explore the area search for Za
Continue to talk to the dragonlings.
return to shore Long Wang said: Arachne Jotting that down... You can: continue swimming return to shore
Broken Rivers Kyland is glad you didn't think he was too boring. Lyrix decides to talk about the last time anyone saw the phoenixes other than the humans. It was before the Dragonling Council disbanded but after the dragons disappeared. They had come, Lyrix shudders, to bring a Whaleling to somewhere. No one knows where. His name was Narwhal and he had a horn like thing from one side. A mutation, my mother had said. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard and you turn around to see a giant Wolfling, the tail and wings of a dragon. "Greetings." The Wolfling says. "I am Za, the son of the last Wolfling Council member. I take it you're Broken Rivers, who Xing told me about?" You can: say yes say nothing say something else
Arachne You keep on swimming until you reach the shore. You get out of the water and look around. This isn't where you entered the water. you can: explore your area go back to the water look for where you entered the water
Broken Rivers Za smiles and you and Lyrix and Kyland. "Thanks for coming. I wanted to talk to you about a quest. The Council's Staff has been stolen and rumor is that a Hyenaling stole it. Either way, it was the source of the Council's power and dangerous in the wrong hands. I was wondering if you could get it back for us. It would mean a lot." Za freezes. "I'll help you in any way possible." you can: agree to the quest disagree to the quest say something else