
Polar - Yessssss! And casually listening in on our conversations asjdfj- XD No, but I have now! It definitely captures that manic, unhinged energy! Something powerful and to be revered, I can definitely hear Tezcat through this. :000

Yuke - Oh noooo - I don't think Tezcat likes me xD I don't blame him- Ahhh yes I love Marina a lott :D that song is one of my favs- it's giving High Priest Itztli vibes too but that makes sense considering he is the symbolic personification of Tezcat lmaooo
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Polar - Ohh oof, why wouldn't he like you? XD I think--Void might see me as a curious thing, but they're probably apathetic. I think. Do you have other favorites by Marina? I'd love to give them a listen, especially if they link to your other characters as well. :3 And lol, interesting that Tezcat and High Priest Itztli have that kind of connection. Besides him and Kahu, does he have other interesting connections, aliases maybe? :0

Lol I love how one whole page of this forum was filled with your guys's conversation. :') really love the Rory drawings though! Frick the effect is just so soft and warm and it makes me melt inside ;;

Yuke - I guess he sort of dislikes me for creating him with such immense power yet limiting him to my oc world hahahhah, but he probably is very curious as to why he exists too - who knows . Ah yes for Marina songs - Bubblegum B*tch is a very Vincent song along with Primadonna for Rory, other ones that are good are Are You Satisfied, Oh No! and Hermit the Frog- many of those I kind of see with a couple different ocs but I like them so go ahead and listen if you like :D The absolute majority of the songs I listen to is because I connect them to my current hyperfixations which right now happen to be my ocs, so I got a bunchh and even got personal playlists for some of them .o. I have a bunch of song recommendations lying around for whenever someone asks, so if you ever want some more hit me and my 20 hour playlist up ;3 . Hmmm, well, a kind of important lore thing is that Rory and Vincent are the symbolic "right and left hand" of Tezcatlipoca, that one symbolizes life and one death c: . . Stalk - Ehehehe it's more talk than art here at this point xD Thank ye <33
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Le Stalk - Yeah lol, we do a lot of talking here. XD And yesss, right?! Rory is the softest boi. - Polar - Ooooh, limiting the creature of power, huh? It's understandable, I think, he'd cause havoc if he was released into the wider world ahjdhsf- - Yess more songs! :D Thanks bro, I'll think of your boys as I listen. <3 Ooooh lol, connecting them to your fixations is valid. XD But dang a 20 hour playlist--I'll have to ask you for a couple of choice picks from it, here and there, sometime! - Ooooohhh, I remember reading up on Rory's lore a long time ago, and I think he does meet Tezcat at least once, if I recall correctly. The lore! The lore connects! >:000 Edited at May 7, 2023 01:38 PM by Yuketa

Yuke - Hahah yes, he views the world as he knows it as no more than a curious playground honestly - he wants for it to be a good story Fun fact - in my story he is actually the narrator :D . Heheheh - enjoy ;3 Yeah lmaoo I just throw everything in there honestly - I do listen to a lot of Lady Gaga, Glass Animals and just all kinds of things that I can make imaginary animatics to hehe . Oh, he does indeed :0 it's an honour to meet him, he doesn't show himself to just anyone x3 Another interesting thing is that no one who meets him can ever remember what he looks like afterwards -- and also everyone who meets him has this overwhelming sense of Deja Vu upon seeing him, like they recognize him and have met him before- because he's the Creator ;)
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Polar - Ohhh a curious playground, huh? I guess the interplay between everyone might be entertaining to him, maybe. And oh hec he's the narrator! That's such a good idea! :0 :D - Yeee! I remember Primadonna and Oh No! :0 So this is where they came from! Ahh I see! You've got good taste yo. :3 - Yeah! Lol glad I remembered it right, and I bet it is! :D Ohh dang, that would make for such interesting character dynamics. I love these little curious details about how he interacts with and is interacted with by those around him. :0

Yuke - Yess, he has no regards for anything as long as it makes an interesting story - as he views his own existence as meaningless . <3 I do listen to a lot of "mainstream" but that's just cause <i find the songs through TT and other medias lmao . Ahh it really does, he doesn't show up much in my story but he is always kind of there, in one way or another. He's also worshipped by an entire nation so he's always kind of there even if he's not present "in the flesh" per se :3
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Polar - Ooh, intriguing! Wouldn't he have meaning, though? Without him, creation doesn't exist though--they appear to be intrinsically linked. - Ohhh lol, nothing wrong with that! I tend to listen to the same stuff over and over on the YouTubes, so I don't often catch up on the most mainstream or newer collections. .3. - Always there, dang. The power of omnipresence. :0 I like that he's universally worshipped by the whole nation! That'd probably have something to do with his tangibility and his close relation to his creations, huh? Creation as it knows it doesn't always see him, but they innately know and remember him in their bones, that sort of deal? Also, there's an interesting dichotomy between the way he's depicted as a mad individual, mad with power, mad by power, but he's also presented as apathetic and emotionless toward things outside of those that interest him. Would this be a situation where he is so insane that he becomes numb to things, or that he is unfeeling and chasing new sensations, to feel things, and his madness in simply a byproduct of that? He might even ping pong between the two states. :0