Welcome to M.K. Algo's Art SHOP!
¡WARNING! (I don't do digital art)
Auction Info:
1) Art work up for auction is all numbered
2) You must bid 50 mush higher than the person who bid before you
3) You cannot bid after the deadline
4) Once the art is won the owner can add to it and do whatever as long as it remains with my art credits! (If you edit it, you can also add your credits)
5) You cannot resell the art (Even if you edit it)
6) Mush must be on hand. If you don't have the mush it'll go to the next highest bidder.
Art Request Info:
1) You can use the art however you want (Just cannot resell)
2) Must keep my credits on it but you can add your credits if you edit it significantly.
3) I draw a variety of things but I specialize in drawing felines, canines, and dragons.
4) PM me and I'll let you know if I can draw your request. If it's too complicated or if I'm not good at drawing what your requesting, I will let you know.
5) Be patient while I create your art but don't be afraid to constantly check in and see how it's going with your request!
6) How fast I finish is determined on how complex.
7) The cost will depend on the size and complexity of the art.
8) You pay me after the art is done so you know if you like it.
9) If you don't want the art after it's finished, it's mine to do whatever with.
10) Must have mush on hand before the request is made!
11) Must fill out the form!
•Request Form•
Pack Number:
Description of Request:
Species(if needed):
Intended Use:
Color or no color:
Background or no background:
Regular Art Sales:
Sometimes I'll simply have art up for sale for a set price.
1) Keep my credits
2) You may alter and add credits if you change it significantly but must have my credits
3) First person to say they'd like to buy it gets the art
4) Must have payment on hand
5) If you don't have the mush on hand it continues to be for sale.
6) Nothing is sold until it's off the forum so if it's still there there's a potential that you can still get it.
If you steal my art or scam(or attempt to scam) me you will be reported to the mods and blacklisted.
Mod edit: Fandom art is not allowed