It really does!
Have some more, lmao
*The squad playing A Million Dollars, But... and it's Nico's turn*
Nico, reading off cards: "Okay, a million dollars, but when you walk up a staircase everyone in the vicinity turns and stares at you."
Nico, flipping their hair playfully: "Ha, that happens to me all the time :)"
Akira, smirking: "So you want the eyes on you?"
Briar, nodding in agreement: "Right? My thought is kind of like 'Oh,' Like, if I'm walking up a staircase, I want to be seen."
Nico, smiling: "People are like 'Oh, it's the princess!'"
Briar, grinning in approval: "Exactly!"
Ingall: "But- You just climbed to the top of the stairs- You're like, you know... Not presentable, necassarily."
Akira, confused: "Wait, how are you not presentable?"
Briar, even more confused: "You can't walk up stairs?!"
Ingall, slightly embarrassed: "You guys don't get a little tired?"
*Everyone laughs
Ingall, trying to play it off: "Just a little bit?"
Garvin, snickering: "Damn."
Nico, reading the next card and grimacing: "Oh my god, I hate this one! A million dollars, but when you walk up the stairs your genitals pulsate!"
Aries, slightly grossed out: "Ohhhh!"
Briar, almost offended: "Pulsate?!"
Akira, smirking: "Okay, but like, in a good way!"
Briar, catching on: "Oh. Like 'thump, thump, thump, thump.'"
Akira, nodding: "Like a little... Just a little vibration!"
Garvin, grinning and making eye-contact with Akira: "They just get a little of that boom-boom pow!"
*Everyone cracks up*
*The squad playing Blind (so, going in without any idea what the other person your doing a bit with is going to do or wear) Try Not To Laugh, it's Nico's turn in the seat and Garvin and Akira's turn to do a bit*
Akira, walking out in a plain yellow shirt: "Hey there! Welcome to Raising Canes, what can I get you today?"
Garvin, who's dressed in a chicken costume, in a serious voice: "Uh... My daughter."
*Everyone in the room loses it, including Nico*
Nico, in absolute shock: "Oh- My god-"
Akira, acting panicked: "Uh- That's not- that's not on the... that's not a combo on the menu, sir!" *Acts like they're pressing a button* "Security-"
Garvin, still acting serious, shaking his head: "It's not connected. I want you to go back there, and I want you to find the tendies that were my daughter."
Nico, laughing but mildly terrified: "Oh my god!"
Akira, pretending to look horrified: "I'm going to need a minute."
Nico, snickering: "Oh, she's in a lotta tendies-"
*Everyone loses it*