Lt. Chick Fil A said: Hm. If it was a pwyw I would probably go with 300. Flat sales 300-500
Mistaken said:
Lt. Chick Fil A said: Hm. If it was a pwyw I would probably go with 300. Flat sales 300-500
Thanks for your opinion :)
With some anatomy fixes and more fur details(especially on the face), it could easily go for 500-1000 mush. Like it is now though, I'd pay 350-400 mush minimum. That's my honest opinion ^^
Biohazard said: With some anatomy fixes and more fur details(especially on the face), it could easily go for 500-1000 mush.Like it is now though, I'd pay 350-400 mush minimum. That's my honest opinion ^^
Yee! Thank you!!
Game Moderator Neutral
I'd say 450/500 for simpler/more basic designs. But for more complex I'd say closer to 750
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Thank you all! I've got a fair idea now what my art goes for. 😀 I'll probably open a shop soon~
Midnight Mystery said: I think 500-1000
Thank you very much!
200-500 mush perhaps, at the way it is. With some improvements, as Biohazard said, it could go up to apples and such. Your art style is pretty cute! ^^