What Christmas is in December, you country/state confuses me now Butter Bee said: Oof. Today was Christmas Day and I’m over here like why celebrate Christmas in the middle of spring?
At school that is. Who ever thought of it must not have thought through it very well. What you talking bout! I live in the us and proud of it!
Oh XD I live in the U.S also but like still Christmas in spring.. why.. XD one of my freinds, her last name is Christmas
I knew someone who’s name was...what was it...princess...I don’t remember that well it was kindergarten and I was at that school for the one year
Cool~ when I first moved here like I thought when my teacher called her miss Christmas it was because she liked Christmas XD
That funnyXD When is your birthday? Unicorn, horse, or something else I can draw?
My birthday is far away~ December 13th 2002 Draw lots of horses
I just realized something. Since meeps pronouns changed does that mean that meep is also getting a Father’s Day present along with dad?
Who is Meep? I'm confused XD Help mee
Meep is siren. I was trying to think of a sound that sounded like a siren at the time and of course I was tired so I thought of meep