
Arreon frowns and walks over with a rabbit." Hey, what's wrong?" He asks and lays down beside you, nudging the rabbit towards you with his nose. He sees your eyes and sighs." Get some sleep. I'll keep watch of the den and keep an eye on the two wolves." He curls up against you, resting his head on your neck he looks towards the entrance and the wolves

aroura whines in response before closing her eyes. the smell of the rabbit making her stomach churn. she woke up during the night and tried not to whine, her stomach was still hurting, even worse then before. her head hurt too and she tried not to throw up as the world spun around her.

aroura whines in response before closing her eyes. the smell of the rabbit making her stomach churn. she woke up during the night and tried not to whine, her stomach was still hurting, even worse then before. her head hurt too and she tried not to throw up as the world spun around her.

By the time she wakes up the rabbit was eaten and the rest of the food was outside. He noticed how she was hesitant about the rabbit and wouldn't eat it so he made sure the food was far away from her." Just sleep. I'll look at your wound.. Seems like it's effecting you more than I thought." He whispers and licks your scar. He whines at the taste of blood and heads outside to find some herbs.

when aroura awoke she was hot and dizzy. She knew what was happening it had happened before. But this time was much worse, so much so in fact that she couldn't move, it was all she could do to breathe. She closed her eyes and when she woke it was the middle of the night

Arreon was worried about her and stayed by her side. Not knowing what was happening he whines and tried to help as best he could but knew that there was nothing he could do.

She let out a whine, everything spun. " Arreon... I-" she coughs " I don't... I think i'm... sick..." she shudders and her head lowers, she goes unconcious even though she didn't want to.

He whines and licks her muzzle trying to comfort her." Wake up... please.. wake up..." He whines more and nudges her. Trying to wake her. He didn't want to admit it but he's begun to love her and he couldn't lose her now." Please.." He says one last time before resting his head on her neck and looking at her." Wake up..."

she opened her eyes and was breathing heavily. " It's alright... but... I don't want you to worry about me... " she whined. Aroura groaned in pain and laid aginst him, fighting aginst her own pain and sickness

"Just breathe." He said and walked outside finding some herbs for her pretty quickly ne bringing them in." Chew on these." He whispers ne goes to the end of the den and grounds the rest of the herbs before going back." Slowly chew no swallow these."