
A stolen glance out towards the rest of the room between the tips of feathers told Lily enough information before Alma started to talk. They needed to match this energy the other three were presenting, or at least try to. Yes, it is was a scary and frankly horrible situation at the moment, but seriousness paired with doom and gloom weren’t exactly doing much to soothe her nerves as Lily pulled herself out from under Finntello’s wing. Keeping quiet until she was standing, finding it difficult to look at Alma before she had dusted herself off, it was slightly awkward having Finn so close with effectively his mother right next to them. Well, maybe she was the only one that felt awkward. “We don’t even know where we are, where are we supposed to start?” Lily’s eyebrows creased together, creating a small divot between them. “Other than the end goal of ‘getting home’, I mean.” Callisto remained near the entrance, casting his gaze around the small rag tag group. There was an inkling of annoyance that he wasn’t only with Xevon, but that was a hint of annoyance he could ignore because he knew it was silly. If they were to ever get back to earth, if this wasn’t earth, then Callisto could figure out the entangled mess that was his relationship with Xevon. Right now? Getting home. “I do not know where we are,” He paused to give a small gesture to Lily. “However, I do know that the creatures like Veles came from another, well, plane. As ridiculous as that sounds…actually on second thought you two have wings and we are cats, so I suppose it is not as ridiculous as I first thought.” Callisto’s meandering comment was flippant before he cleared his throat and steeled his expression ready to return to the task at hand. “This could be that place, if Veles’s realm was within it, it makes sense.”
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Finn reluctantly sat up far more awake when Alma had broken the silence. His wings stretched out, aching with the ground he had slept on. The red tips quivered slightly as he stood up and dusted himself off slightly before his arms crossed over his chest, more of a resting position--it was more comfortable. His rusty red eyes swiveled, turning to Lily. She wasn't wrong. They had no real idea where they were. That was a good point. Or, alternatively, when in time they had ended up. The hotel seemed to be frozen in time, nothing changed, nothing aged--there was no dust on anything at all. Which added to the spookiness. The air was still and unmoving. Was, being keyword. The ruffle of a breeze through feathers and hair gave him a slight chill. But as he glanced from Lily to Alma, to Callisto and then to Xevon, he found himself a little bit curious. Callisto remained near the entrance, relatively aloof. That was usual for him. But the stance that Xevon had--that had changed. It was just as rigid as before but he had his shoulders positioned differently. Instead of closed off, as if leading a battalion, he had it angled toward--toward Alma. Finn's eyebrow raised slightly with the thought. So he was giving some leadership to Alma, not all of it, considering he still stood as if in line. He caught out of his thoughts as Callisto broke the silence and turned to him. "Another plane--of like existence?" "No, no," Alma waved one hand, tutting softly, "it is a realm. A dimension where only the gods could exist--" "... so are we dead or are we gods?" Finn's arms slowly lowered, taking Lily's hand again. His eyebrows furrowed, creasing in a weary uncertainty. Xevon's blood red eyes flashed subtly. "Or... are the gods dead and we are walking in the absence of ethereal presence?"
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Callisto shook his head, his eyes creasing in exasperation towards Finntello’s comment. Absurd thought to even think, let alone voice outloud to the group. “We are not gods.” He huffed out, only sparing a glance towards Xevon as he spoke. That would be a terrifying thought indeed, one that should be voiced, unlike Finn’s genius comment. However, that would theoretically mean they were safer, there was no danger of other gods finding them an enacting some kind of punishment for being in their realm. Then again..that could also mean that darker creatures the gods used to keep at bay were now crawling all over the place. “This a lot of hypotheticals we are talking about.” Callisto began wearily, dipping his gaze from one to the next. “Would there be a way to determine the truth? I doubt it, unless we find somebody else wandering around here.” Lily almost jumped at the sensation of the hand grasping onto her own, he had come up from her blinded side and taken her by surprise. She did her best to keep from looking as startled as she had been, hopping into the conversation to distract herself. “Whatever this place is, and whatever happened here, I just want to figure out the way home.” Lily tilted her head slightly, her home was strangely right next to her she supposed. The weird group, more tentatively Callisto and Xevon, was truly the only tangible thing she had left that resembled a home. She had nothing now but the clothes given to her by Alma and the generosity she had received from both her and Finn.
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Xevon made no real comment toward Finn either. He simply filed that in the space for the many, many, many stupid comments that Finn was going to make or had already made. Kids these days. The man shook his head lightly and turned toward Callisto as well. "That would be the only way I assume, finding someone." He left it at that, short curt and clean. Lily's comment drew his attention to her. Home. A small twist in his chest was the only reaction he had to her words. The way home. He had clung to that thought once--a group of them all clinging to the same thoughts. He had walked for miles upon miles with the group to try and figure out a way home as well. They spoke about what their plans were after they had gotten back home. Sergeant and himself were the only ones who made it home and then, he had found himself without a home yet again. He clear his head of his thoughts with a minute shake. "The best thing to do is get on the move. There is no food, little shelter and meager supplies here," he responded. "Unless we can find a map which tells us where we are, we keep searching." Finn's nose crinkled but he couldn't argue much with that. It wasn't like they had a choice. He kept himself on Lily's blind side, a touch... guilty. While he knew, in theory, it wasn't really his fault... he felt like it was. He should've been faster, been stronger, been... smarter. But he hadn't and they had all gotten lucky. Technically. He wasn't sure yet. But he was sure that Xevon hadn't moved at all, looking at Alma to await whatever she was going to say. The woman looked over the rag tag group and sighed. "Let's scout this place first, see what we can find. If we can't find anything in the ruins, then we'll head out."
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Lily's eyes carried towards Alma as she finished up the planning, noting that Xevon seemed to be waiting for her to do exactly that. Interesting, sort of. Maybe the stoic man was simply loosening back up, it wasn't like she could read his thoughts. Scouting was a good plan after all, even if she didn't feel the pull of hunger, similar to the hotel. She kept that thought to herself for now, just because she didn't feel hungry didn't mean that they didn't need food. With a small nod to Alma, Lily twisted her neck to get a look at Finn beside her, having to overcompensate little to see him with her good eye. She couldn't smell any food or well anything actually, other than the ruined rotting wood and persistent musty scent. Nevertheless, she would search the place. "Let's go, I suppose." She hummed quietly, offering a short smile up towards the man before beginning to walk towards the rest of the shattered buildings, the movement tugging Finn along with her. Callisto was less enthralled with the concept of exploring the ruins, he couldn't smell anything useful so what was the point? Again, he bit his tongue. He didn't want to experience an Alma head clip or a seething look from Xevon, certainly not. No, instead he began to walk aimlessly through the ruined building, keeping note of where everyone was but in particular Xevon. Craning his neck to look through beams of old wood to see his wings, reassuring himself that the man was still there and hadn't been whisked away by a light breeze. Despite their interaction the previous night, he still felt like there was a solid wall surrounding Xevon. There were flickers of something in his eyes during their last conversation, but that was all it was. Flickers.
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Xevon dipped his head lightly, hanging back as Finn trailed after Lily. Finn shrugged lightly and followed after the young woman. His eyes flickered with warmth. The young man glanced up and around the moss covered stones and the rotted wood that littered the ground around them. His eyes flicked back toward Lily before he let out a small noise. "Do you think... Xevon's going to be okay?" He whispered quietly, uneasy and trying to keep his voice low enough to not let Callisto hear. Alma began to piece through the wreckage, moving stones and whatnot. Anything she could move, she did. She wasn't afraid to move or disturb anything, fishing for something or anything. She didn't seem to care at all. Xevon swallowed wearily and glanced toward Callisto before shaking his head and took flight instead, soaring upwards into the air. His ruby red eyes scanned below, watching and waiting for anything to come up. Anything to happen. That was what they needed. They needed something that proved that there was still life in this world that wasn't them. It couldn't be them. If it was... it would make everything else so much harder. It would lower the chances of getting out of there, getting home. Getting them home. Xevon still wasn't sure if he had a home anymore. It was perhaps a touch unnerving of a thought.
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Lily flicked her head over her shoulder to look at Finntello, remembering which side she could see out of this time. For a second, she gave him a thoughtful look before returning to scanning through the remains of the building, her shoulders lifting in a short, simple shrug. "Maybe this is how he was before the hotel, and the man we met in there was created by the environment. I mean," She paused and gave Finn a small glance. "We don't know him that well." Lily admitted, they didn't know him very well at all. They had encountered him under duress and accepted his help, aside from that, they didn't have any idea as to his true personality. Perhaps Callisto had more insight there considering the years they had spent together, but even then was that the real Xevon or was it a guise used to cope with their circumstances? Callisto paused in his movements as he watched the flick of wing tips and the small cloud of dust that was left in Xevon's wake as he made for the sky. He stared at the spot his friend had been standing in for a long moment, only when the dust had settled back down onto the ground did he turn away and continue his pointless search. He skirted around the edges of a far corner, slightly more ruined than the rest of the structure, barely standing on its own. Callisto wasn't exactly making the greatest effort to search through all of this rubbish, it was useless anyway. Then he caught something in the air, turning his head so quickly he almost gave himself whiplash. A sharp hiss of pain left his lips, a hand coming up to the side of his neck to try and massage out the abrupt pain. With creased eyes, he peered into the corner of the rubble to spot a small bag. A rucksack, neatly placed in the corner, not a speck of dust to indicate abandonment. He stepped closer, cocking his head to one side. There was someone's scent on the bag, he took in a deep breath but he couldn't figure out if it was old or new or if it was even human. Callisto leaned down, crouching, he pulled the bag up closer to his face and inhaled again. Unaware that he looked rather creepy huffing at an object in the corner, but he was too enamoured with the smell to think about much else.
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Lily's thoughtful look had him at least somewhat interested in her answer. He had discovered, at least, that she was far more adept at reading actual people than he was. Given the opportunity to look something up, find research or information, he could do that with ease. But read somebody? Figure out their emotions, if they were really alright? Now that, that was beyond him. The thought that she laid out at first caught his attention firstly. She had a rather fair point. They only really did know him in the hotel and acting in the hotel. "Yeah--" he said slowly, and softly. His rusty red gaze lifted upward, turning to look at the circling figure overhead. This was how he was before--perhaps immediately before. "I think that a little bit of him is still in there. But I think you're right too, I mean--think about it. He came home from the war--which he hasn't talked about yet--and then immediately disappears. I'll bet he's still trying to survive, fight off very real and human emotions... and memories that he didn't get the chance to deal with," Finn mused aloud. It was how he thought, one track of thoughts could only come out at a time when he was speaking. But even still, thoughts could only do so much for someone. A small yelp escaped as he stumbled over a stone, looking down at his feet instead of having his head and neck craned back to look up at the sky. "My bad--" he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Alma, on the other hand, watched Callisto as he let out the small hiss of pain. Her brown eyes focused, honed in, on the pale young man before following after him. He had found something of interest and she was also interested in what he had found. She held back, not wanting to ruin whatever scent trail he had picked up. Instead, she followed at a distance and watched him with eyes... kind of like a hawk. A bag? Perhaps a satchel of sorts? "What is that?" Alma asked quietly, stepping forward finally. "Or--better yet, is there anything in it?"
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Callisto almost sprung out of his skin at Alma's voice, dropping the bag with a dull thud back onto the ground as he span around to look at her. Eyes widened still in surprise before he managed to calm himself down, forcing his expression to one of usual indifference. "A bag, nothing special." He turned his head to look down at the ground, the bag was slumped in a pile by his feet. "However..." He nudged it with the toe of his shoe. "It has a fresh enough scent." Callisto rounded back on Alma, his lips splitting to speak again when a small rock went flying past his head and his shoulders jolted up towards his ears. The rock clattered against a wooden beam on the other side of him, slowly he turned to watch at it hit the ground. Lily had turned to look at Finn as he stumbled, a short laugh coming from her at his graceless recovery. He held a valid point, the other man might not have had the time or willpower to work out his own feeling on whatever situation placed him in Veles's claws. She was certain most people would have trouble working through their memories of war let alone imprisonment by a sick god. "You really are-" She cut herself off and rapidly turned back around, she heard the scuffing of shoes on the ground. She had heard Alma and Callisto speaking, but now they had stopped, they were just standing there. So who could she hear? Then came the rock, smashing into the wooden beam sharply as the foot falls became louder. Her hand wriggled free from Finn and she batted at him to stay quiet, not turning to look at him, her hand quietly thumping against various regions of his chest and arm. Callisto's eyes snapped to where the rock had come from, just as he did the foot steps he hadn't heard due to his all encompassing focus on the bag halted. It had come from within the ruins, whatever or whoever it was had been in there with them. Surely Xevon would had said something otherwise? That meant they had slept with it nearby or it had entered just before they had begun their search. Strangely, Callisto could taste human in the air. Yet, he could not see one. Well, besides their small group that was. He stared into the tangle of stone and wood, waiting for something to make a noise, to appear, to throw another stone. Yet, nothing happened.
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Alma tipped her head lightly, kneeling down beside Callisto to look at the bag. As the rock went flying--soaring over her head the woman turned and lifted her hand, pulling the shoe from her foot and eyeing the empty space. She muttered a short curse, a phrase in spanish that was best left untranslated. She waited, silent as the emptiness of the building stared right back at her. As she switched from shoe to dagger, the woman's brown eyes narrowed slightly but she couldn't see anything. She couldn't even hear it. Well, she could hear the sharp whistle of wind on feathers and had a deep feeling that someone else was well aware of their attempted attack. Finn glanced up for a moment or two before shrugging. Loosely at the least. Whatever she said, he wanted to hear but he didn't since the young woman stopped talking. "What's--?" Above him, the rock smashed into the wooden beam and she all but beat him to shut up. He finally heard it, the sound of footsteps and figured that wasn't Alma or Callisto. They wouldn't throw rocks... and ... well, no there was the whistle. Xevon's red eyes narrowed on the space where he could see the dust lifting up. It was subtle, ever so subtle but the dust of their footsteps lifting up from the ground gave them away. The wind whipped over his face and hair, screaming past his wings as he lowered his shoulder and barreled into the figure with reckless abandon. "Stand down!" He demanded, voice shattering the silence. It shook with fury, trembled with the adrenaline in his system and demanded an audience. "Surrender your weapon, your magic and your name and perhaps, we might have mercy."
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