
I wake up in the middle of the night and smile down at you. I slink away and go downstairs." I hope he doesn't mind me just getting a midnight snack." I open the mini fridge and get out a water bottle. Then I head back upstairs and open the bedroom door smiling when I see you still asleep." So cute." I slink back into bed and fall back asleep

I feel you leave the bed in the middle of the night but don't move. Instead I wait til you come back then nuzzle into your chest once again drifting out of consciousness til the morning. . The morning sun shines through the window. I groan not wanting to get up yet before I hear a whine at the door. Yuki needs to go out. I sigh and quietly climb out of bed not wanting to wake you. I throw a shirt on then leave the bedroom and head down stairs with yuki following behind. We go outside and start heading to the park and I send you a quick message for when you wake. "Yuki needed to go out heading towards the park.

I feel you leave but don't say anything and go back to sleep. After another 10 minutes I wake up and look around. I take my phone from the nightstand and read your text with a smile. After I'm done looking at my phone I go to the dresser and pick out an outfit. A pair of sweatpants and a T shirt. I wait on the bed for you to get back home so I have a reason not to get ready for the day.

Yuki and I hang at the park playing a little before heading back to the house. Itdoesnt take long before we are walking in the door and she yips at my ankles. "Yes I know your hungry." I said making my way upstairs to the room and finding you on the bed. "Morning love" I say kissing you on the cheek

I wait silently and patiently. Once I see you come through the bedroom door I grin." I can't believe my eyes I thought you left." I pull you closer by the waist. I give you a peck on the lips and chuckle." Mine." I say while pulling you in between my legs.

"I sent you a message saying I was just taking yuki out." I say kissing you back. "You don't have to be dramatic about it. Jeez" i roll my eyes before looking back at you.

"I know but I'm needy and need you." I smile and stand up kissing you again before grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom." Do you wan to join or are you going to figure out breakfast?" I stop at the bathroom door and wait

"I'll figure out breakfast." I say following you to the bathroom door before giving you a kiss and heading downstairs. I look through everything in the kitchen before deciding to make some waffles. I grab out a bowl and begin mixing all the ingredients.

I groan and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and just lean against the wall for a few minutes. I end my shower at around 8:45. I head downstairs not bothering to put on my shirt yet." Waffles yum." I smile and kiss your neck watching you finish the waffles

(Im finally all caught up)) . I smile pulling the last waffle out of the waffle maker. "Yep. Belgium waffles to be precise. Supposed to be dense and fluffy. Let me know how they taste" I put 1 on your plate before handing it to you then give 1 to yuki and 1 to fire before sitting down and eating my own. "If we are loving together then I should really go to my apartment today and pack up all of mine and yukis stuff."