
As soon as Sky took a bit out of his pancake his phone went off again. Grabbing it and unlocking it swiftly, he read Alex's new message. "Now." Sky typed and sent. "Mom, can Alex come over?" He asked after swallowing his food. "Sure, You better clean your room though." Danielle replied and then took a bit out of her pancake. "I will." Skylar replied and then looked back down at his phone. He then kept an eye on his phone and continued eating. He ate quicker, wanting to tackle his room in case Alex did come over right now. He finished his food and chugged the last bit of his milk. Setting his dishes into the sink and then bolting to his room. He stood in his doorway and scanned his room. He only really needed to get dirty clothes off the floor and make his bed. Grabbing all the dirty clothes, he put them in his laundry bin and moved onto his bed. (Oh my god this is so poorly written and short...)
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Alex was quick to read Skylar's one-word response when it came through. He found himself smiling some and giving a nod. Instead of replying immediately, though he was tempted to he pushed himself to his feet and moved to leave his room. "Hey, mom?" He called as he headed toward the kitchen. He noted that his sister was still eating, but his father and mother were finished. "Hmm?" His mother called back as she worked on washing the dishes. "Can I go hang out with a friend?" He asked. He felt like some child, having to ask instead of just heading out, but he knew without having to ask that it was something his parents expected of him now. After all, as his father had stated repeatedly, he'd broken their trust by staying out as late as he had and not contacting them. She was quiet for a moment before sighing and turning to look at her son. "Do you know when you'll be home?" She questioned. He paused at that and shook his head. "I'll be home before ten." He promised, hoping that was a good enough answer for her. He watched as his mother seemed to ponder it over before giving a nod. "Alright. But before ten, not at ten or later." She said firmly. Alex couldn't help but smile and give a nod. "I promise." He said. "Thanks." He added before he moved to leave the kitchen and head to the front door. ` Reaching the front door he slowed to a stop and brought up his phone. "I'll head over now then." He typed out and swiftly hit send. Slipping his phone into his pocket he knelt down to get his shoes on and tie his laces before straightening. He didn't want to give his mother a chance to change her mind, or for his father to interject and demand that he stay, and so he swiftly departed once his shoes were on.

Sky pulled everything off his bed and swept off all the crumbs with his arms. Once all the crumbs were off he put his two pillows back on and then his blanket. He made sure his blanket was set neatly on the bed, he wanted to look like he was doing well. He was doing well for the most part, but the thought of relapsing again was nagging in the back of his mind all the time. He never once acted on it because he couldn't, he only resorted to either hurting himself or destroying his room. His room took more damage with only minor scratches on his arms. His knuckles were also red and bruised from punching things. He sat down on his bed and looked down at his hands, it was noticeable if Alex looked but he hoped he didn't. Looking up, Sky looked around the room. Everything was neat and there were no signs of destruction. He smiled to himself and got up. He was doing well now compared to the first day of withdrawing. ' Sky walked to his mirror, grabbing his hairbrush on the way. He brushed his hair and decided what he was going to do with it. Maybe a man bun? He grabbed the hair tie off his wrist and put his hair in a messy man bun. He looked at himself in the mirror, slightly turning his head to see what it looked like. It looked fine so he put his brush away and started for his door. It was then that it hit Sky. "Shit I forgot to see if Alex texted." He muttered to himself as he pulled out his phone. Alex's text was sent 20 minutes ago, which means he would be there in roughly 5-10 minutes. Even though Skylar found himself busy for 20 minutes cleaning, now that he still had to wait it made him even more impatient. He audibly groaned as he opened his door. "Alex should be here soon." Sky swung his door open and then made his way to his bed. Laying down on his back he began to text Alex back. "Cant wait to see you <3" He stared for a moment but then texted it, bringing his phone to his chest as he turned it off.
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Alex felt a mix of emotions as he strode down the sidewalk, away from his house and towards Skylar's place. He was excited and eager but also apprehensive and nervous about seeing Skylar. The last time that he'd seen him had been... Shaking his head Alex shoved the memory away. Remembering how he'd found Skylar lying in his room, the hospital, and everything that followed after wouldn't do anything to make him feel less nervous or apprehensive, rather it would make it worse which wasn't something he needed or wanted. Instead of focusing on what had happened, Alex wanted to keep his thoughts on how good it would be to see Skylar again, to see how he was doing, and just check in with him. ` As he walked through the town and towards Skylar's place, Alex didn't stop save for a moment when his phone chimed with a notification. Retrieving it from his pocket he quickly unlocked the screen and opened the message that had been sent. The moment he read it he felt his heart leap and his chest tighten. Biting back a smile he let his gaze rest on the text he'd received before he moved to give a response. There was a lot he wanted to say, but he figured a simple reciprocation would be enough until he got to Skylar's place. "Me too." He texted out and for a second he half considered adding a heart to the end of his message as well but ultimately decided against it. Pressing send he remained still a moment longer, his blue hues on the screen of his phone before he turned it off, slipped it into his pocket, and continued walking. ` It was just under ten minutes after he'd sent that message that Alex was slowing before the door of Skylar's house. He felt the rush of nerves spike and begin storming within his chest and stomach but did his best to ignore him. Raising his hand he hesitated for only a second before lightly rapped his knuckles against the wood of Skylar's front door. Once he'd done so he let his hand fall to his side and took a small step back, drawing in a deep breath and slowing letting it out as he did so.

Skylar stared up at his ceiling, growing quite nervous but also excited to see Alex. It's been a while since they have seen each other and most of the memories from that night weren't the best. He grew a bit tense thinking about all of it, so he tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. His phone buzzed and he grabbed it, bringing it up to his face and then up in the air. He looked at the simple two-word response and gave a small smile. He then shut off his phone and stared at the ceiling again, his thoughts consuming him again. ' Sky zoned out for the rest of the time it took for Alex to walk to his house. The knock on his front door was what pulled Sky back into reality. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest. It took him a hot second to realize that Alex was actually there. He jumped up from his bed and made his way to the door, his heart beating rapidly the whole way. He swallowed thickly and opened the door. A flood of emotions hit him, and he wanted to be in his arms. Sky was going to wait until they had gone into his room, but he couldn't wait. He quickly stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Alex's neck. Sky's body melted into Alex's, his whole body now in a state of relaxation and relief. Sky couldn't help it, his body was just reacting this way. Sky pulled away every so slightly, just enough to see Alex face-to-face. One of his hands was in his hair, and it moved to his face, caressing his cheek for a moment. He stared at him, admiring him for a second before hugging him again.
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The seconds that passed by after he'd knocked on the door seemed, to Alex, to slow as if the entirety of the world was stilling in an effort to keep him in this moment of excited apprehension. Swallowing thickly he stood a little straighter when he heard the sound of someone approaching the door, and not sure who to expect, Skylar or his mother he put on a smile. A task that wasn't all that difficult, and became more genuine the moment the door was pulled open to reveal Skylar. There he was, long beautiful brown hair thrown back into a bun, his face no longer as pale as it had been in the hospital. His heart seemed to speed up, quickening its pace the moment his blue eyes fell on the man before him. ` It took a second for him to remember himself and he parted his lips to greet Skylar but was silenced before he could say anything when Skylar stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his neck. He paused, eyes widening at the act for it had been so unexpected. Instead of pulling away, as he might have if this wasn't some precious reunion after the trials of the night Skylar had overdosed, Alex leaned into the embrace and moved to wrap his own arms around Skylar. Alex was slightly surprised to find that he didn't want this to end, didn't want to part from the warmth of Skylar's arms so when he felt Skylar pull back, though only slightly, he looked up at him, a hint of longing in his gaze. The moment Sky's hand came to caress the side of his cheek he leaned into the touch, his gaze resting on Skylar's own, and a small but warm smile upon his lips. It took only a second for Alex to return the embrace once Skylar hugged him again. He buried his face into Sky's shoulder and drew in a deep breath, his arms tightening around him ever so slightly as he did so.

This hug that Alex and Sky were sharing was something that Sky needed, and Alex probably needed it as well. After a good couple of seconds, Skylar slowly began to let go of the man in front of him, his arms slowly feeling down Alex's shoulders, then his arms, until they reached his hands. He held Alex's hands in his softly. Sky wanted to say he missed him, the words were on the tip of his tongue but for some reason, he couldn't speak when he locked eyes with Alex. Stepping back ever so slightly, he found himself at a loss for words. He smiled as his eyes became slightly watery, so he looked away. "Cmon." Sky said motioning his head inside as he stepped aside for Alex to walk in first. Okay, Sky keep it together. He waited for Alex to step in before following. He closed the door and started to make his way to his room. He stopped at the end of the hall, looking back at Alex who was still taking off his shoes. A genuine smile crept up on Sky's face as he watched Alex. He's so fucking beautiful. The way Alex looked was truly beautiful, and it continued to surprise Sky every time he looked at him. Once Alex was set, Sky turned back around and started walking towards his room. "We'll just be in my room Mom." Sky said softly to his mother as he walked past her, stopping just for a moment. He then resumed walking towards his room, the door wide open. "Shut the door when you get in please." Sky said, heading straight for his bed, and sitting down on the edge. With his hands in his lap, he tried his best to not have his knuckles showing. He looked up, watching and waiting for Alex to sit beside him. Edited at December 9, 2024 01:26 PM by Anomaly
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This embrace, every second of it was like a soothing balm that Alex needed. It seemed to calm him, relax his body, and chase away the worries that had been haunting him since the last time he'd seen Skylar. It felt right and perfect, and altogether something he never wanted to let go of, something he never wanted to end. Because of this, it was no surprise when he felt a hint of regret and upset as Skylar pulled back, though he didn't allow it to show. Instead, he let his gaze drop to his hands when he felt Skylar take them in his own and smiled softly. When he lifted his gaze to look up at Skylar once more he paused a moment upon seeing him looking away. Furrowing his brow slightly he remained quiet while allowing himself this opportunity to study and take in the sight of him. ` "Okay," Alex responded when Skylar motioned for him to head inside. He lingered just outside a second longer before moving to step past Skylar and into the house. He took a few steps from the doorway before moving off to the side to give Skylar room around him. Kneeling down he began untying and removing his shoes. Once that task was completed he set them off to the side before standing up and letting his gaze move about what he could make of the house before turning towards Skylar who, he noted, was walking back towards his room. He watched him a moment, smiled faintly, and then moved to follow after him. "Hello, Ms. Jones," Alex greeted as he passed by Skylar's mother. For the briefest of moments, he recalled how worried she had been at the hospital and was glad to see that she too seemed to be doing better. ` Stepping into Skylar's room Alex did as requested and closed the door behind himself. Once it was firmly shut and he'd turned back around he took note of the state of the room. How clean and orderly it looked before letting his gaze come to rest on Skylar. With a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he moved over to join him on the bed. Claiming the spot next to him he sighed softly and let himself relax a little. "I... missed you." He said softly after a long moment of silence, his blue hues resting on Skylar as he confessed such a thing.

(I was getting food so im a little late with this reply hehe but I'm loving this so far ah sorry this ones a little short I'm a bit distracted) Sky's head and eyes followed Alex's movements as he walked towards him. They continued to follow as Alex sat down next to him. He smiled softly but looked away, a little nervous to be around Alex again. The words Alex then spoke made Sky's head perk up as if he were a dog that just heard the word "Treat." "Really!?" Sky asked, "I missed you as well!." He then added, clearly excited about hearing those 3 words. A toothy smile played across Sky's face and he looked away to hide such a genuine smile. "I really missed you Alex, it's been..." Sky started, looking down for a moment, "Well I can imagine you know it's been hard." He finished. He grew a bit anxious, he didn't want to bring the mood down at all, this was supposed to be fun, not sad. He brought his head back up and looked over at Alex, giving him a smile.
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Sitting there, in Skylar's room, with so much unsaid and with so much having happened, Alex could feel his heart thundering wildly within his chest. It was like some frantic war drum, hammering away with little to no regard for anything else. It was so loud that Alex feared Skylar would be able to hear it in the silence of the room. Swallowing thickly he watched as Skylar's head seemed to jerk up at his words before returning them. Sucking in a breath Alex felt his cheeks warming with a blush and swiftly turned his head away. What was he? A kid, blushing over something as trivial as being told he'd been missed? But... it wasn't trivial at all, no matter how Alex looked at it. Hearing that Skylar had missed him... ` Alex was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Skylar continue, his voice seemingly softer now. He frowned slightly at the pause and then the words that came after it before nodding faintly. "I know..." He said softly, his blue eyes on the male sitting beside him. Without much thought to his actions, he reached to take his hand, intertwining their fingers together and giving a faint squeeze. Well aware of the tension and emotions that came with all that Skylar had been through these past few weeks, Alex didn't want to brush aside or seemingly ignore anything that was said or done, and yet at the same time he was sure that Skylar didn't want to ruin the mood of their reunion. So, when Sky looked back up at him and smiled, Alex tilted his head slightly and smiled in return. "I think you deserve a reward for hanging in there despite how hard it's been..." He said softly though there was a faint hint of a light, playful, and teasing note to his voice.