
"Oh, I am sure you could. You are... were... a fighter in the pack." Jeraboa sat down and assessed her paw. He licked away the blood. "If you feel the desire to howl in pain, do. They deserve to know what they did." Jeraboa put his paw gently over hers. "3... 2... 1..." He shoved the small bone into place, swiftly and accurately. Almost as if he had done it before. Who is he kidding. Why to many pups have done it. No like he would tell Stripe though.

Stripe shifted into a slightly more comfortable position. She winced a bit when Jeraboa started to lick the blood. Stripe let out a loud piercing yelp-sounding howl when Jeraboa shifted the bone back into place. It was clear that anything within 10 miles would have been able to hear it. (Sorry that it´s short.)

Jeraboa's ears flatten at the pained noise. "Sorry. Hey, I'm still breathing!" He says. He binds the paw in a stiff leaf, using the same method he himself uses for his ankle. Gently. He steps back. "I vote taking a rest here. They can not kick us out, because we are already out." Jeraboa plops his haunches done. He tugs at his own leaf brace to straighten it from the river.

"I agree with that; we could use some rest," Stripe said as she laid her head down. A slight grin came upon her face when Jeraboa plopped down next to her. I think I might try to take a nap, " she said as she shut her eyes and slowly started to doze off.

Jeraboa smiled. "I'll keep watch for now." He mentioned as he flicks his ears around. The back is in the open, so it would be easy to spot incoming danger as long as it came from the ground or water. And two wolves were too big for a eagle or any other bird of prey. He smiles as he watches Stripe drift off. Subconsciously, his tail thumps quietly. The sense of freedom is a little overwhelming. Not needing to be tied down by a pack.

After a while, Strip awoke to Jeraboa lying next to her. She flipped over onto her back with her stomach exposed. She laid on her side again and put her head on Jeraboa's side. "Morning Boa." Stripe smiled a bit while speaking.

Edited at December 12, 2024 01:37 PM by Silver Winter Pack

"Good morning Stripe. How did you sleep?" Jeraboa asks. He licks her nose. Then yawns. I can't believe I fell asleep! What if someone came? At least I woke up before Stipe. She does not need to know I might have put them in danger. "I'm hungry." He remarks.

Stripe licks Jeraboa's nose as well. "I slept fine. What about you?" She yawned. She slowly stood up and stretched. Jeraboa's statement caught her attention. "Yeah, I'm a bit hungry as well." Stripe agreed as she started spelling the ground to see if she could pick up a scent. After a little while she picked up her head and turned toward Jeraboa. "It smells like there is a rabbit nearby." Stripe sounded confident.

Jeraboa smiles. “I slept a little. I’ll be okay though.” he says. He yawns, which pretty much defeats what he said. “ I can look for the rabbit if you want. You should not put too much weight on your paw until at least tomorrow .” he stretches a little and stands up here. He doesn’t know his former pack in the area, just the old sent markers a few days ago. They should be safe. Either way, he wants to get as far away as possible. - By the way, Jeraboa has a slight fear of not having enough food. The reason ties into him injuring his leg. Perhaps they can’t find food and his fear leaks out.