dumpsterfire, As you turn right, you see a shimmer of light. Woah! You caught sight of a Shinee Moonbean! You can: Use your pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right Follow the Shinee
Astraeus' Lights, You turn left and follow along the trail. You walk around for a bit, and smell something... burning? You can: Use your pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right Follow the scent
Astraeus' Lights, You slowly move forward and see a burning ship? But... Moonbeans are animals? What other thing could be here? Your gut is telling you not to, but your brain is saying you should. You can: Ignore the ship Put out the flames Move left Move right Move forward Move backward Use pod
Astraeus' Lights, You tell your gut to shut up, and quickly move towards the flames. You splash some water up against the boat and once the flames are out, you see some cages. You look closer and they aren't damaged. In fact, they look like Flame-cages. Flame-cages are cages with 2 layers of metal, each of which are fireproof. There are holes for ventilation, but magic prevents fire from escaping. They are usually for capturing fire breathing Moonbeans. You can: Take the cages Leave Explore the rest of the boat Move left Move right Move forward Move backward Use pod
Take the cages. *Sees cool, shiny stuff* *Goblin mode activated* "My shinies!"
Astraeus' Lights, You get +3 fireproof cages! You can: Move left Move right Move forward Move backward Use pod Explore the rest of the boat for move treasures Leave the boat
Explore the boat for more treasures!
Happy Pawlidays said: Howling to the moon said: Violent Nightshade, Some people secure your suit and launch you out of the space shuttle. You can: Use your pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right
I'll move forward