Night Shade
You put your two squirrels in the box while keeping a eye on them to make sure they stay in the box. Now that you have your squirrels and a look around showed no more nuts on the ground. You had to think on what to do now.
You could go fox searching or maybe go egg hunting? Maybe a horse herd was nearby? Otherwise you can just go wandering and see what you come across?
Where to?
A) Fox searching
B) Egg hunting
C) Look for the horse herd
D) Just wander about
Misfit Flowers
Lowering the grass after the rabbit bolted so you turn to the cats. It was a good thing you have fish as you pull the fish out and focus your attention on the cats.
The long furred dark grey tabby turned to you and the fish showing red and orange eyes. The eyes were different colored.
The short furred cat vanished into the shadows leaving you with the rabbit and the long furred tabby cat.
What will you do?
A) Stay still and toss the fish to the cat
B) Pile all the fish in front of you so the cat has to get closer
C) Hold out the fish to the cat
D) Refocus on the rabbit
Rouge Whispers
Grabbing the egg from your bag then you carefully checked it for any scratches or cracks but only found a small scratch and nothing more to your relief but might keep a eye on it.
A few growls snap your attention to see your canines basically arguing with both standing over something as if to protect.
What will you do?
A) Hold the egg
B) Look over the research papers
C) Go see what has your canines upset