You walk into a large building where the doors automatically open and announce your name. Looking around you see the inside was a mess with books, paper, folders and other items tossed around. Couches, tables and chairs were upside down or on their side with only one coffee table, couch and a counter remaining.
You patted the poor couch before ringing the bell on the counter. A furry, canine head popped up.
"Oh hi! I didn't think anyone would come! I'm Squirrel!", barked the canine excitedly.
"Calm yourself Squirrel", came a second voice and from behind the counter came a confident and calm vixen.
"Sorry Nightshade!", said the furry canine head.
The vixen lead you around where you saw shops with items, boxes and cages but you were nudged away. Wolves, cats, dogs and wait...was that a wolf with wings? Also a owl in day time?
"This is where you can go on adventures and possibly if you are lucky find and adopt a wild creature. There are birds, felines, canines and other creatures. Each shop is managed by someone. If you choose to go then you will be given a bag and a box. If you don't like how the creature looks then you can release it or maybe change what you don't like, "explained the brown and white vixen before leading you back to the counter where Squirrel is happy waiting.
Two forms are nudged to you. One was to fill out before the adventure and one to fill out after.
Form before adventure:
Pack number:
Place you want to go:
Creature you are after:
Total Price:
Form after adventure:
Pack name:
How many items used?
Which items were used?
Any items found?:
Creature caught:
Anything you would like to change?:
Name for creature:
You decided it was better to go look at the shops first before filling out the form.
1)Follow all of Eve's rules
2)Be respectful and patient please
3)Pay after you get the adoptable. If you sent payment first then I'll send it back.
4)I won't draw wings.
5)Don't keep PMing me about this shop or your adoptable please. I may be busy with other things.
6) Remember to always credit or at least keep credit on there.
7) Have fun
Note: If you ever forget on how much items you have left or what page you are on please PM me and let me know if you would like me to quote the post (to you only) or tell you the page number.
Adventuring: (4/4)
-Night Shade (page 2)-Dusk Forest
-KateXiX (page 7)-Shadow Farm
-Raging Flames (page 21)-Dusk Forest
-Den of Thieves (page 23) -Dusk Forest
-Salom (page 3)-Shadow Farm
-Full Moon Fire (page 8)-The Path of Unknown
-Howlite (page 11)-The Path of Unknown
-The Amethyst (page 13) -The Path of Unknown
-Mistfit Flowers (page 2)-The Path Of The Unknown
Working on
-Rouge Reindeer (1 egg, two puppies, two adult canines, one winged feline)
Breeding and Nursery: