
i love how you hardly ever upload any of this to TH but there's 161 pages of masterpieces and shitposts and everything in between in here and it's a gold mine every time i return here :'D (BY THE WAY HI LMAO IM BACK AGAIN FOR MY ONCE IN A LIFETIME WP REVISIT) - dude im so late but... show us the original first vinrory sketch 👀 like damn now i feel so single cause i can see the scene playing out and they're usually so chaotic but with the butterfly.. woah. i also really appreciate how rory probably secretly enjoys the piggyback ride except his ego can't take shit so there he goes again lmao and OHHH dude polar i missed seeing your feral art ! i love how much you've improved with humans but wow what a flashback to feral rory all over your bios and everything lol. they're looking in character and scruffy as always. - itzli priest compilation... i love this lmao. he'd be such a nonchalant, brutally honest priest in the AU though 💀 and woahh we doin some cool ass lineless painting-sorta sketch here too with him praying!! the effect is super cool dude and you pull it off really well. :> - dude and your meme edit redraw things never fail to make me chuckle a bit. golden lmao, your OCs are actually all so savage and i feel like if they had twitter or something like that they'd go crazy :') and that's SO REAL HELP with the putting too much effort into little doodles and stuff. not the high quality lining and shading 😭✋ - vinrory for life honestly and im so glad to see you're still drawing so much and constantly on here! it's like coming back home to a nice jar of peanut butter (dude i love peanut butter) that's fresh and tasty in your fridge every time and it always makes me smile to know you're vibing out here. cheers pols!! <3 (polar --> pols if you get it lmao, dude its 12 am i dont even know)

XD it's the knife for me--That looks great though, I can't wait to see when that first piece is finished!
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Living up to the forum name here for a moment cause I've been home from school a lot because of. Pain . I want to kill them I want them DEAD. Anyways Rory's the kind of guy that can sleep just anywhere and Vincent also brings him along to some Pantheon officer meetings whenever it suits their schedule. So they often just end up like this . Also playing around with brushes a little hueheh also I realized I haven't drawn Itztli with the literal god he's the high priest of like. Ever. Anyways their height difference is crazy ALSO HERE YOU GO ZERA. I am SO sorry for taking so long to finish this DTIYS but I hope you like it bros <3 you can click the image to save it full size :p Edited at March 7, 2025 03:27 PM by Polargeist
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the way I RAN when I saw the notification I'm sorry to hear you've been in pain?? omg these are all AMAZING AUGHH
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Stalk - AHHH glad to see you back here as always :DD I'm sorry for not uploading to TH 💔 it's so tedious whenever there's several ocs in one pic cause I gotta go sort the images down for every one of them LOL. I'm lazy . Honestly I don't dare 😭 but it's nigh identical except for art style and some severe improvement hehehe Oh he absolutely does enjoy it and he's probably not the only one - but they're both children in expressing their feelings so it never gets them anywhere still LMAO Aa I lowkey miss drawing feral too!! It's so easy compared to humans </3 you just kinda put stuff there and it works out ueue . Nah but think about the poor man - being harrassed by an annoying twink every single day along with some slight issues with a certain superior of his?? The brutality is definitely justified LOL <33 . Memes is all I got 💔 they're so ridiculously memeable I tend to sometimes mischaracterize them just because it's funny HELP . Hahahah but thank youuu! <33 Cheers Stalks :D . . Zera - Kekeke bold of you to assume I'll be finishing it ;3
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Rep - So fast 😭 and thank you bro <33 Ahh yeah, hip problems </3 feeling like an 80-year-old with that but it's fine it's fine. At least spring's here now :'D
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Emerging from my stalking of this wonderful gallery to wish you well and hope the pain alleviates! Also, the shading on that last one?! Amazing

AHHH Azrael looks incredible I totally haven't lowkey died because of work I hope you aren't in too much pain--
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Scardey, Zera - Thank you both :D <33 and yeahh, I'm doing decently as of now! Hehe And always nice to see my more quiet stalkers pop out every once in a while too XD love you guys so much :3 . . What's the opposite of gijinkas? Furries? Anyways I was longing to draw some cats and I do always love catifying features, so naturally - as I don't have any favourites - I picked my three favourites Isn't it crazy how amongst the most accurate sketches of Vincent's features I've done this is high up on the list?? A cat??? Be serious. Also I gave Rory the tom-cat cheeks cause yeah. Yeah. It's right. 100 percent he would be such a mass of fluff, and not much brain either. Also Itztli is an oriental shorthair too right now cause it slaps And also Ome Acatl is here to do an apology video, ukulele-style. "The only thing I've ever groomed is my two jaguars" (is this a niche meme reference? I don't think so??)
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Oh my goodness that's such a niche reference but I get it--XDD
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