Edited at August 22, 2022 10:31 PM by Ravensrun
The only thing left for Suna is backstory. I haven't answered any PMs since last night because I've been working on her... I do have a question though- How far along into Spring are we?
Yayyy! I cannot wait to see her!! So so so excited! Whenever Vesper's birthday is I guess?? I assume early spring but I could be wrong.
Suna has now been posted! Hope you all like her!
I love Suna. I love her so much!!! Ahhh you make such amazing characters, ThinkyDink! <3
Since apparently I forgot Spring happens towards the end of March. This is fantasy so we'll just cut Winter short :D And yes it shall be early spring
reading sunas sign up and I already know Niamh is gonna be interested
Yes! I did it! My pipa bard is gonna have a lady! XD Ravensrun said: reading sunas sign up and I already know Niamh is gonna be interested
Ravensrun said: Okay I'm gonna go figure out my music choices for Niamh and Hestia.
music Hestia - (still deciding) music Niamh - Black Sea by Natasha Blume. This music vibe just suits her.
also while searching I listened to missios - I see you (I freaking love this band) and it totally gave me the vibe that Niamh would sing this to Mion after there moms death.
Also if I were to give Niamh a romantic song it would middle of the night by elley duhe Edited at August 22, 2022 10:30 PM by Ravensrun
Also, I was thinking Oliver could be the King's personal guard unless you had a reason you wanted Oliver to guard Vesper. Timber Pine Pack said: Is it alright if Oliver is Vesper's personal guard?