Fore I absolutely love that idea! Deterioration would add a flare of spice into Ollie's already interesting abilities, so if my vote/opinion counts, then I say go for it. I would love to see it in action. I also really like the idea of character driven drama too, because yesss lol. I know you haven't worked out all of the details for that potential future conflict, but which way do you think it would sway: an NPC character being the one to make Ollie that mad, or someone else's actual character? Judging from the personalities we have so far though, I don't know if any of them scream having a "bully" type personality. Well, Ambrose is mouthy , insensitive, and emotionally flippant, but I don't know if that makes him a bully lol XD.
Maybe Ambrose or someone else just says something insensitive that riles Ollie up and he gets upset and it just escalates from there
Val, FireFox Yeah that's up for debate, I don't really know yet. I feel like Ollie having a mental breakdown is somewhat more realistic than just someone bullying him. (We have relatively nice characters.)I feel like Ambrose could potentially cause a sensory overload of some sort. Not too sure though.
Hm, unfortunately I already know a multitude of ~insensitive~ things that could spew from Ambrose's filterless mouth. But Ambrose won't go out of his way to bully or make war with anyone unless they start something with him or Addie first, so... Fore A mental breakdown could very well work. Maybe Ambrose just sparking Ollie by being a persistent pest -mostly just verbally-, but an eventual hair ruffle, "playful" punch to the arm, etc. could lead to a sensory overload?
Val Essentially yes, and with Ollie's predicament of not really being able to talk, (He only does telepathy with a select few, in emergencies its different) Ambrose could probably get annoying really fast. Especially if he was already having a bad day. It could also just be something he was watching too. Like if there was conflict surrounding him, not even like him being directly involved. He'd probably get upset about that. We have time to think about it though. :) I'm tempted to go ahead and make my next post, but I wanted to give time for King Of Winter and a couple of others to post.
I vote something bad happens to Ambrose
Fore Yes, all of those elements combined seem like they could easily come together in a catastrophic collision, poor Ollie. I don't think Ambrose would be intentionally trying to get him too upset though, annoying is just apart of his nature lol. And yes, we definitely have time to plot it out. I was at least waiting for Nightwater and King to throw something in before I do Addie and Ambrose again, so we'll see how that goes lol. Dawn :0 What did Ambrose ever do to you to deserve such a vote?
I don't know..... Nothing
Dawn Lol, you're good. I sure hope Ambrose hasn't offended anyone enough -yet- to earn such a vote hehe XD
Honestly I think he will.....