I support that idea! It sounds rather fun. A way for the rider to really feel something like "they've bonded with me now!" or something. Pretty nice!
That makes sense to me. Gives interspecies communication a more mystic feel!
I think that'd be a really cool idea. A way for them both to earn the pairing rather than just being put together and already being able to talk.
Hey guys! Signups will remain open but I think it's about time we figure out how we want to assign riders to dragons. I can put everyone in a random draw wheel and spin it, I can pair them myself just by going off forms and who might fit or, you guys can chat, pm, or whatever and figure it out that way. What do y'all vote / suggest?
Maybe you pair us by going off forms to see who fits based of that and then we’ll discuss with each other if we agree as well? I don't really know haha, I'm okay with anything.
I like the idea of the random draw wheel. It's more unpredictable that way.
Personally I lean towards matching riders and dragons based on personality, but I'm not opposed to random pairing since that can do a lot to add to the drama of the RP
Down for anything really! :)
I think a spin wheel would be fun because riders are learning about their dragons