At some point could we get a master list that shows where everyone is from.
I can do that later on. __________ I am thinking we start once we have all the Royal Guards for the Royals. And possibly at least four maids so each princess has at least one maid. And then at least six suitors to start. So this is what we need. - 4 Royal Guards - 3 Maids - 1 Royal Nanny - We should have all the suitors once the WIPs and reservations are finished.
@Spellbound I have a feeling perhaps you should check PMs hehe
Spellbound said: I can do that later on. __________ I am thinking we start once we have all the Royal Guards for the Royals. And possibly at least four maids so each princess has at least one maid. And then at least six suitors to start. So this is what we need. - 4 Royal Guards - 3 Maids - 1 Royal Nanny - We should have all the suitors once the WIPs and reservations are finished.
I know that I'm not accepted yet, but if all goes well with my WIP character, I could make a guard as well. :)
Honestly it sounds really fun- I love really chaotic stories like that. Where Diamond is from is a bit hard to say really?? I mean, he was born in Aubruvia, raised in Sleosea, and is currently in Aubruvia to steal from rich people and give back to the poorer people of Sleosea.
It's very fun 😌 ________ Also, do you guys have any plot ideas / suggestions? I'm also excited to see what gifts Vesper is gonna get for his birthday. And what people are gonna wear to his Ball. Edited at August 21, 2022 08:16 PM by Spellbound
I completely updated niamhs post. Had to edit things a bit as we changed ages up a bit.
I have a good idea for Diamond's gift since he has been working for the prince for a little while now and will probably want to give him a nice gift.
Also for sibling affiliations just pm me.
For vesper I kinda get the vibe Niamh and him would spar together. Maybe have that in common. And for mion probably love of books