
Glad we can just write Noe because the accent does not always work for me. Either way, take your time with your posts but I cannot wait!!

Ah, I'll have to do it tomorrow, couldn't quite finish up tonight.

Aziz is done! Noé is coming up soon.

Hi guys. I'm very belated to the party

Hello Froggy! Glad to see you!

Yayyy! Noe post soon!!! Frogert! Hey how's it going? :D

I legitimately thought Noé might be giving Marcos a compliment on his face momentarily but then I realized it was Noé. all in all, another great post! also should I try and make shit posts of the crew (like Daniel and the cooler Daniel for Marcos and Marco) or an actual attempt at drawing Marcos?

Why, thank you :) I actually had another word to ad to make it an insult, but I find it moe amusing to confuse people. Your posts are great so far too. I mean, everyone is doing fantastic. You must draw Marcos! I've seen your art, I know you can draw, and I want to see what Marcos looks like!

Well can you not say what he was going to say?? I am dying to know now! Haha.. I don't think I can draw as good as you are making it out to be but thank you-

No, it wasn't too awful, but now I can't tell you. I have to let your imagination run wild with the possibilities. And you just let us be the judge of whether or not we like your art :)